Chapter 27: The Truth

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Red Lantern was hovering thirty feet above the ground, a distinct red glow outlining his body. He was far away, but his wicked scowl was as clear as day. Seeing Steven so vicious and ready to kill felt like someone sucker punched me in the gut.

Out of my peripherals, I could faintly see Katz and Sly sneaking around the edge of the buildings. They bent down over the unconscious bodies of Kala and Jose.

"Ah, ah~" Steven sang, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Katz and Sly froze as they picked up Kala and Jose, and before they could react, Steven snapped around. He raised his hands, and two fiery red walls appeared between Katz and Sly and their knocked out friends. He thrust his hands apart, flinging Katz and Sly in opposite directions. They slammed into parallel facing buildings. Massive cracks darted out from their figures. When they fell from the building, huge dents were left behind.

I bit my tongue to stop myself from yelling out. They weren't moving.

Come on, get up you idjits!

Off to my side, Castor growled lowly. I could tell he wanted to leap into action, but his instincts restrained him. It was better he waited. I'd seen what happens when he runs into something blindly, thinking his arrogance and muscles could make him win any fight.

Steven turned back around, raising his ring to his lips and blowing away imaginary smoke. His eyes bounced between Castor and me. They were scarlet pinpricks, stark against his sickly pale skin. He pulled his lips back into a smile, though it more resembles a wolf baring its teeth. Either way, I wanted to rip it off his face like a Dora band-aid.

"Jessica, it has been too long," Steven began to descend. As his feet touched the ground, they rolled from the balls of his feet to the heels. For some reason, that really irked me. Like Steven had the nerve to float to the ground like some Sugar Fairy Princess. Bitch.

"What's it been? Seven years?" He pursed his lips and tapped his chin. He acted playful, the little drama queen, but his eyes were cold and very much taunting me. I stayed silent, eyes wide and heart pounding.

"Oh, babe, you can relax! I'm not going to do anything. I only want to know why you left," Steven paced backed and forth, his hands clasped behind his back. "Now, I could be wrong, but I remember you telling us you left the Few to go back to a "mortal's life".

My throat burned.

"But that's not true, is it?"

My head ached despite Steven's softening voice.

"It was the boy."

It was merely a whisper, but I flinched; his words struck me like a whip. I despised confrontation, being called out. And this was the biggest lie I've ever told. Everything I did to keep my two lives separated crumbled into dust. They weren't supposed to know about him.

Okay, yeah, it didn't change the fact that Steven was still right. I left the team I founded not because I was sick of being a hero but because I wanted to play "wife".

"It was just another normal mission, but, only god knows how, you!—" Steven screamed that last word. I jumped. "—managed to fall in love with a mortal!"

"You were too busy ogling Da Vinci's "perfect human" to even realize that Katz was going to get shot!" Spit was flying from Steven's mouth. His voice was so loud it was actually echoing off the tall buildings. "Katz could've been killed, and you would've been wondering what color flowers would go with your wedding dress."

Castor looked confused, his eyes flitting back and forth between me and Steven, desperate for an answer. I wanted to throw myself at his feet and beg for him to not believe Steven. Castor lowered his bow.

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