A X Tower X of X Tricks

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Getting to the base of the tower in seventy-two hours... There were no stairs, or at least none that she could see as the tower seemed to be a completely bare, plain, empty platform. She looked over the edge of the tower along with her friends, a wind whipping around their legs. "That's a long way to fall."

"You don't say," Killua drawled sardonically, glancing at the brunette.

"A-are we supposed to climb down that?" Leorio asked nervously, backing away a bit from the edge.

Kurapika did not take his eyes away from the ground far, far below. "That would be suicide..."

She heard the smug snickering of someone behind her causing her to glance back, "Maybe for a normal person."

A man with the tag 86 moved past them and began to shuffle down the wall. They all turned to watch him, and Gon bent down to get a better look.

"But a top-class rock climber can handle this no problem." He told them as he continued to drop down the side of the building.


"He's going down pretty fast."

Rukei took another look at the walls, they were almost absolutely flat. "Are we supposed to follow his actions?" If she had a knife or something she might be able to get down...

Her thoughts were interrupted by the beating of wings that continued to grow louder, till she realized that the sound was coming towards them. She corrected herself as giant, six-limbed, winged creatures swooped down over the climber; it was heading towards this man which was soon snatched up and taken away in mere moments.

"Guess we can't climb down the walls," Leorio muttered, breaking the silence.

"... Yeah."

Rukei straightened her posture after a while of searching. They were missing people. Of course, they were missing one due to the creatures earlier but unless the others had also attempted to scale down the wall and met the same fate that meant there had to be passages leading down the tower.

She headed over to speak to Gon and Killua about her thoughts but was stopped when they saw a man suddenly disappear underneath a flipping tile. They exchanged quick glances before dashing over to the same stone. Gon knocked on the surface but received no response.

"So the doors can only work once," Rukei murmured, "And from the size, it'll only let one person go down..."

"In other words, one door for one person," Killua finished up with a huff.

Gon stood up, spirits not dampened, "Looks like we'll have to find another door!"

And they did find another door, another six doors to be correct. They quickly informed Leorio and Kurapika of the discovery who caught on quickly. There was the possibility of some of the doors being duds, and Rukei was feeling a bit uneasy about the whole situation.

"We'll all have to split up," Killua announced, "Gon, Rukei, and I have decided that we're each going to choose a door."

"No hard feelings if one of us springs a trap!" Gon chimed after him, "What are you guys going to do?"

Leorio followed their actions, "I can live with that. Luck is part of the game..."

"I have no objections," Kurapika agreed, "Then that settles it."

For some reason, something tugged at her at the thought of being away from the four for seventy-two hours in a dangerous, suspicious place like Trick Tower. She didn't quite know the feeling but it was getting annoying so she pushed it away as she headed over to one of the stones and stood beside it, looking around at the others.

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