Old X Comrades

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"Your right radius and ulna were both broken. Fractured humerus. Three broken ribs. Twelve other minor fractures. Four months before you're completely healed up," there was a long pause before Killua proclaimed Gon as a complete idiot.

"I did say this was a bad idea," Rukei muttered in vexation. But to be truthful, she truly was amazed by Gon in his fight. It was like he was dancing. With an enviable grace, closed eyes, and confident smile, Gon had danced through a moving maze with danger on every side, enjoying every moment of his life or death fight. Though that didn't change anything about the current situation.

The spiky-haired boy apologized and stuck his tongue out.

Killua pressed his finger against the injured boy's head angrily, "An apology won't help! Do you have any brains in there?" He demanded, beginning to rapidly smack him against the head ending with a flick, "Didn't you see what happened to those who'd suffered the traditional Nen greeting? One wrong move, and you could have ended up like them! You're lucky that you aren't hurt any worse," the boy finally relented, "Man, why do you think Four-Eyes was training us?"


Rukei was ready to smack his injured self against the wall.

"I had a feeling that I'd be okay."

She prepared a fist to whack him across the head with.

"I took a few hits but I wasn't in mortal danger as long as he missed my vital spots-" Gon waved his arm, his luckily uninjured one, in pain while Killua pressed his foot against the damaged one. Though she knew his injury needed to rest and heal, Gon seriously deserved it. He would never the point.

Saved by two knocks on the door, Killua released the hold, and turned towards the entrance, "Come in."

Killua got up to go get it and seconds later, their visitor walked in and she could see the very intense disapproval across his expression.

"Uh... Sorry-"

Wing's slap cut across the atmosphere like a knife, "An apology won't help! What were you thinking?! Didn't you see those who'd suffered the traditional Nen greeting? You could have ended up just like them!"

Killua walked back further into the room, "Oh, that's what I just told him."

There was a moment of silence before Wing's shoulders slackened as he placed a shoulder on the contrite boy and exhaled deeply, "Honestly... I'm glad you weren't injured any worse."

"Wing-san, I'm really sorry," Gon apologized to which Wing gave a sort of tired smile back to, it almost looked like Gon would be getting off the hook. If she were Wing, the boy probably would have wether she liked it or not.

But she wasn't. "No, I won't let this slide. Killua-kun, do you know when Gon-kun will have recovered completely?"

"The doctor said it would take two months."

Rukei whipped her head around towards him, but she didn't tattle as much as she wanted to. She just couldn't stay mad at Gon.

"I understand. In that case, I won't allow you to participate in any matches for the next two months!" Wing announced, "I won't allow you to train in or study about Nen either. If you don't abide by these rules, I will never teach you again. Well?"

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

On those words, Gon had a promise thread bound about his hand, a greenish color with all sorts of odd patterns written over it as a visual reminder of his promise.

"Killua-kun, Rukei-san. A moment please."

After talking with Wing about their goals, both Rukei and Killua decided that they would wait for Gon to finish healing up and train at the same time that he would start training again. That had happened a couple weeks ago, and while waiting for the two months to pass, Rukei practiced the other Ten daily, the one that Wing had first told them about.

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