Whale X Island

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Rukei had been banned from playing in the card games for being too overpowered; she had been memorizing the order of the cards and the details on the back of them, like the bends and tears and her fast hands annoyed them a bit too much.

So she opted to mess with the Rubik's cube while trying to subtly give hints to Gon who was currently losing the game against Killua. Unfortunately, Killua figured out what the two were doing due to Gon's obvious glances towards Rukei and they gave up on card games all together.

Left in the boredom of the lightly rocking ship room, they decided very quickly to run back out on deck and help out the sailors again.

Apparently Gon knew the captain and the majority of the sailors there, particularly a certain sailor named Katsuo. She had later been informed that Gon, along with Kurapika and Leorio, had saved the man's life. This was the ship Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio took to get to Dolle Harbor.

The girl smiled lightly to herself at the thought as she readjusted her grip on the crate of apples that she was moving out of the way. It was almost right after that when they met her. She was rather cold to them despite her contrasting offer of help, but she really just felt very awkward in trying to join a group. But they became companions, and before she knew it, they were friends.

"Killua! Rukei!" Gon yelled, waving his arm to get their attention. He was standing at the head of the ship, looking ahead for one moment before craning his head back around and yelling, "Come and see this!"

Rukei set down the box and jogged up the steps to stand beside him. The boy pointed at a land mass ahead; that was the island that he had told her so many stories about. "I could see where it got it's name."

"It really does look like a whale," Killua hummed, coming to stand next to them. She gave the boy a sidelong glance, before focusing her gaze ahead again. She had met Killua a little later then Gon and the others. They didn't get along very well at first, but it wasn't long till they too become friends.

Gon led them through the island, not that she had a lot of time to look at it, the boy was really in quite the hurry to see his aunt. He was greeted by many villagers along the way and was whole-heartedly congratulated by all the fishermen folk who heard of his success on becoming a Hunter. The boy was pretty popular among the villagers.

His house was a bit isolated from them though, on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sparkling waters. The boy dashed ahead of them upon seeing a figure at the top, laying out crisp, clean, white sheets across a clothing line.

Gon embraced the woman tightly, and she held his hands as he declared that he was home. Mito was a pretty lady with orange hair and golden-brown eyes; they were closely similar to Gon's. As Rukei was about to bow and greet the woman, she spoke up to Rukei and Killua, who trudged behind them shyly.

"You must be Killua and Rukei, right?"


"Sheesh, you should have let me known you were coming home. I didn't have time to prepare anything."

"It's not a big deal, whatever is fine."

"What are you saying?" The lady put her hands on her hips while staring down at the boy, "Your friends have come all the way out here to visit."

Killua quickly waved his hand as if to brush away the idea, "No, it's okay."

"Please, don't mind us."

But the two visitors were unheard as Mito sighed, sorting through some plates in the cupboard as she continued to chastise the boy in green, "Goodness, you should have said something first..."

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