A X Final X Test

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"Today, we will begin to train in Hatsu," Wing announced, "Once you have mastered Hatsu, you wil have learned all the basic Nen principles. After that, you will need to work on developing your individual Nen style."


Wing tapped on the board next to the character he had drawn, "Hatsu is the technique by which you can control your Nen. It is the culmination of Nen and there are six different categories."

He uncapped the marker and wrote a series of characters down with the Hunter translation underneath it for her to read.

"Enhancers are able to strengthen objects. Emitters can propel their aura. Transmuters can alter their aura's qualities. Conjurers are able to manifest their aura. Manipulators can use their objects to control or manipulate objects and creatures. Specialists are those with a special aura that doesn't fall within the other five classes," he wrapped up the summary of the types.

She suspected that Flask was a Transmuter as he could change his aura into that acid like substance. Hisoka was probably one as well as his aura could expand and contract and disguise other objects.

"The key is to find the power that suits you. Nen is linked to individual ability with two areas of particular prominence. The first would be your natural potential. The second would be potential refined later in life. Gon-kun for example was born with a flexible, springy body. His acute senses were a product of a childhood spent in nature. From the moment of your birth, your Nen aura falls within one of the categories."

Wing went on to explain while it was rare, it was possible for someone to change Nen types. It was difficult to learn an ability that didn't fit under the inclined Nen category, and Wing drew a hexagon on the board with the types put about it. The closer the class was to the inclined Nen type, the easier learning the technique would be.

"To illustrate, I'll use abilities that you've seen for yourself," Wing continued, and as she had predicted, Hisoka and Flask were indeed Transmuters, "Gido used his tops and his body as weapons by making them spin faster which would be an Enhancer power. However since using so many tops as weapons also requires Manipulator skill, he wasn't as successful."

Kastro was another example of this with his incredible Tiger Bite Fist, an enhancer ability, had ended up conjuring and manipulating something very difficult and far from the Enhancer type. It took a lot of effort learning an ability in an incompatible class thus he squandered most of his potential.

"Well? Do you see the importance of understanding your own auras and inclinations?"


"Given that," Killua brought up a question, "Is there any way to learn which category your aura falls into?"

Wing was prepared for this question and had gotten a glass filled to the brim with water and a leaf floating lightly on the surface. This was used in the method Water Divination, a Shingen-Ryu technique for classifying aura and used for training in Hatsu.

"You place your hands beside the cup and use Ren," their teacher instructed, "The result will reveal your category," and to demonstrate, Wing brought up his hands around the cup and at the rise in aura, the water rose with it and flowed down the edges of the glass, "If the amount of water changes that means you are an Enhancer. This shows that my aura falls within the Enhancer class. Now, it's your turn."

Gon was the first to test it out, and similar to Wing, though much more subdued, drops began to trickle over. "Gon's an Enhancer too, huh?"

Zushi followed his actions, getting a reaction from the leaf that tilted every so slightly and not from the air condition in the room. "The leaf moved!"

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