Title X Sequence

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Rukei awkwardly tried to lift Killua's head off her shoulder without waking him. Both Killua and Gon had fallen asleep on the train ride, and left her very little room next to the window, as everyone's limbs were spread over the seat as everyone tried to get into a comfortable spot which was not quite possible with three people on the same bench.

After the screening, Rukei had learned that Kurapika, Senritsu, and Shichi had left, along with Zepile who returned the money for Gon to get his Hunter License back. And to add to it, Leorio was leaving too, back to school to learn about being a doctor. Which meant that it was time for Gon, Killua, and herself to depart from the Yorknew.

She managed to sit him up somehow, but another jolt of the train sent him back to the original position. Rukei sighed and gave up.

There was a laugh across from her and she glanced up towards the man that sat across from her with light hair and bandaged arms. He was laughing at her, she realized and returned an unimpressed stare.

"Looks like you're having a little trouble there, lass," he commented with a toothy grin, "I betcha he's doing it on purpose. I used to do that to all the pretty girls on the train when I was a young and handsome fellow! I think I still retained a little of that handsomeness," the man gave himself a look at the reflection in the window next to him and stroked the stubble of his chin, "What do you think, lass?"

"Shichi-oneesan tells me not to talk to creepy old men."

"Aw, lass's as cold as ice! I'll have y'know, I'm still at the healthy age of thirty-nine!"

This man was an unimpressive one, the kind she'd see lounging around always looking in a newspaper for a job yet never actually make a move to get one. His jolliness was notable at least. And if he managed to pass the screening, then he was no one to sniff at, Nen wise, that is. But that didn't mean she was going to reply as she stared at him dully and a bead of sweat slid down his face at the blank pause.

"I'm not a creepy old man, alright?" He assured nervously feeling the accusing and silent weight put on him, "Y'all just remind me of the kids that run around my hometown."

"That's creepy," Rukei responded immediately but instead of cringing, his expression brightened.

With that bright expression, he leaned back, "Hey, least you're talkin' to me! They call me Hyoshi. What's your name, lass?"

There was something familiar in the way he spoke that made Rukei suspicious. She couldn't pick it up right away, it was masked by his thick accent, but any familiarity should be closely regarded as danger. But if this were to be Flask, then he would already know her name, identity, and everything. Refusing her name may put her under suspicion that she knew that Flask was disguised which would put him on guard and thus make her lose her advantage.

"I'm Rukei."

"Rukei, huh?" he repeated to himself, and nodding as if he approved her name or something of the sort, "And what're you looking to clear the game for, Rukei? Money? Thrill? Curiosity?" He listed out a series of random guesses.

The brunette shook her head, looking over to the spiky haired boy who was snoring peacefully on the other side of Killua. "Gon is looking for someone," she answered a little vaguely, and leaving out the details of who exactly he was looking for and especially that she was on a mission.

Hyoshi folded his arms and glanced in between the two boys, "Okay, and which one's Gon? Snow White or Needle Head?"

"Needle Head," Rukei answered instinctively before looking back up to the man after thinking over what he just called the two, "But really, Gon's hair isn't that spiky. And doesn't Snow White have black hair?"

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