When do X Strangers X Become Familiar?

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   Up until Gon spoke, a comfortable silence blanketed their travels, aside from a comment from Leorio here and there, oftentimes followed with a sharp, smart reply from the blonde.

   "Hey, Rukei?"


   The way Rukei talked, her questions hardly even sounded like questions; they sounded so much more like statements due to the almost non-existent rise in her inquires. Gon had already adapted to this. "Why do you want to become a Hunter?"

   Her response was immediate. "I want to help Shichi-oneesan."

   The boy hummed with interest, thinking over the information and for a new question before returning, "What kind of Hunter is Shichi?"

   "A Crime Hunter," Rukei replied shortly. She felt like it was a bit rude to leave the boy hanging, but she was afraid if she detailed anymore, she would end up rambling, bragging, and looking like an idiot.

   Gon was a curious person, Rukei thought to herself, as he pressed on with his interrogations. "What do Crime Hunters do?"

   "They investigate and reveal mysterious cases in the Crime World," Kurapika dropped into the conversation, deciding to explain it to the boy since Rukei didn't look like she wanted to. She actually did.

   Everything seemed ten times more amazing when Gon commented on it. She didn't know what it was, but it was certain that a very big part of it was the way he beamed like the sun. "So they're like detectives!"

   Rukei didn't think it was that simple. "Essentially, yes."

   "So you want to become a Crime Hunter?"

   A part of Rukei wanted to answer 'yes!' straight away. It was the part of her that had become oddly quiet since it had stopped in Dolor Harbor. "Maybe. Why do you want to become a Hunter?"

   The spiky-haired boy did not lose his smile as he looked ahead. She wondered why as she listened to him. "I'm going to find out more about my dad."

   "Your dad?"

   "Yeah! He left me while I was young, so I don't know much about him," Gon explained as he turned his head back to face her. She could not find spite or bitterness. "But everyone says he's an amazing Hunter! He left his kid to become one, so it must really be something else."

   Gon was... Rukei tried not to think too much about it. In any case, he was weird. "I see. How about you? Why do you want to become a Hunter?" She asked, turning the conversation to the two older travelers listening quietly.

   Leorio let out a proud huff- he was waiting for her to ask, she was sure. "Money! That license can get you about anywhere in this world!"

   "I see." He was right. Rukei had seen it for herself where that piece of plastic could bring people. To towering heights full of adventure, riches and excitement- almost like it was straight out of some sort of novel!

   It also brought death.

   "And you?" The brunette switched her gaze towards the blonde.

   He only gave her an apologetic smile. "I would rather not say. It stands as a personal matter."

   "I understand." Rukei felt dumb for asking. Of course, it was a personal matter. Rukei had gotten carried away with curiosity. Taking such a difficult test often came with difficult reasons. She had also seen that for herself.

   They encountered their first obstacle. In a rather worn and old town, a desolate wind would howl through cracks and open windows. A crow cried as it passed closely over their heads. It seemed like a warning.

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