Knowing X Nothing

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Rukei dully watched the incessant arguing between Killua and Asta. Granted, Rukei was pretty annoyed at the woman as well, but they needed to start planning how to stall Genthru, preferably stop all together, from clearing the game.

They managed to go on somehow as Gon explained Genthru's abilities. Several people appeared to be victims within the group and Gon quickly told them how to best counter Genthru's ability and the way to disarm it before another fight could begin.

The woman seemed to finally come around to them, teaching them how reuse a spell over and over again and how to obtain all the B-rank cards even after she had given up the two S-rank cards. They had been given quite a bit of information and methods that they had never bothered to try out in return for Genthru's abilities.

"The question now is which card we should try to monopolize," Kazsule announced.

"It's probably impossible to monopolize the #75 we have," Killua reasoned, "Each team can only get one and the limit is twenty, which is too high."

Rukei scanned the crowd of fifteen carefully, looking for any kind of reaction as she went on, "#77 is already being monopolized. We won't be able to obtain it until someone find the designated target."

She had received a good amount of rumors from them as they agreed amongst each other. "She's right, though it's honestly hard to believe. I thought all the experiments from that syndicate were put under prison or guard. They're dangerous, aren't they?"

"Seriously. I guess one of the Alliance members are trying to track them down? I heard that there were a bunch of prison breaks."

The brunette feigned a look of apathy over disappointment. These people didn't know anything. The only recorded Zyphon experiments to be imprisoned were Jen, Elaine, and Knight. In any matter, if the Alliance was trying to find someone, they wouldn't give out something as vague and impossible as blood color.

They had checked other cards to see what they could monopolize. #9 was already held within a couple teams, but #2 was yet to be obtained. With Guidepost, they knew that #2 was in Soufrabi, and with an Accompany, they warped there.


"Who are you guys? We booked this place for the night. Get lost!"

In front of them were scattered beer bottles and a laughing group of the supposed pirates wearing a sort of uniform of odd black hats. They jeered and snorted when Kazsule told the group to leave. Humoring the fifteen players, the largest man stood up and created a circle of fire about him with the alcohol and a lighter.

"No need for talk," the man announced boastfully, "Use force to make us leave. I don't care how many of you attack at once. If you can move me from this ring, I'll take you to see the boss."

One of the men from their ranks stepped forward, mirroring the pirate's confidents, "We just have to move you out of the ring, right? If it's brawn you want, I'm your man."

Rukei looked on doubtfully as he rushed head on, and her worries were proven to be with substance as their teammate was picked up easily and held over the flames of the ring. Gon intervened with a slam of his foot against their opponent's face, angry at the pirate. "He admitted defeat. Why didn't you let him go?"

The man looked down at Gon in a mocking manner, explaining the rules slowly as if he was much younger than he actually was. "I explained the rules. You lose if you step outside of the ring. Anything else, including admitting defeat is totally meaningless. You kicked me, then stepped outside of the ring. You've lost."

"Ah!" In realization, the boy lost his stern expression completely, looking down at his feet to confirm that it was true, "Crap! Hold on! Give me another try!"

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