Behind X a X Name

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Click clack click clack click clack.

The rapid solving and mixing of the cube did not calm her down.

What should she do?

'You are to come with us in five days. You tell anyone, they die. If you stay with them, we'll find some new test subjects. You know who those subjects will be, won't you?'

The answer was obvious. She had to go with them. They couldn't hurt anyone else- We can't hurt anyone else. She would go with them, as their incomplete experiment, and they would finish her and use her for whatever cause they had in mind by sticking needles and tracers underneath her skin and in her veins.

No, that wouldn't work either. If she complied to their demands, that could bring about destruction on others. They could kill hundreds maybe even thousands more depending on what they were going to do with her and the other experiments.

In the end, no matter what she chose, they would end up hurting someone else. The Zakuya had done it again; there was no safe zone no matter how far she would run-


That was it. She would flee and the Zakuya would go after her. By running, they would think she abandoned her friends and thus her friends had no worth as hostages; the Zakuya would focus on her. They would chase after her to the ends of the earth and her alone. That's how it should be. They didn't have a place here, and she, as a part of them, deserved the same.


"Oh! Killua, Rukei! I was just about to go looking you."


"You-," Killua had to start his question over again as she closed the door behind him, "Are you really healed?"

"Yeah!" The boy did a couple handstands and jumps on his supposedly injured arm to prove it, "See? I'm perfectly fine!"

She was rather doubtful on the subject; the injury was supposed to put him out of action for four months but it had healed in one. "Are you sure it's okay? You don't have to rush to start training again."


Killua rolled his eyes at the grinning boy, "Man, what is your body made out of?"

Gon took his inquiry seriously, wondering how to go about it, "How to answer that..."

"You're weird."

The boy puffed his cheeks at the insult but he let it slide, more interested in the information that Killua had, "Well? Weren't you going to say something?"

The boy grabbed a couple slips of paper from his pocket, "Oh yeah, these."


"These aren't just tickets," he corrected with a grin and dramatic pause, "They're for Hisoka's fight."

Eight wins, every win ending with a KO and leading to death. There had only been three hits scored against him and one knockdown. While he did have three losses, the only losses were due to forfeits, something that Hisoka seemed to be very accustomed to doing even in the Exam. Well, that much was to be expected...

His opponent, Kastro landed the majority of hits and single knockdown and would be facing off the jester in four days. Killua announced that it would be a great time to analyze Hisoka's fighting style and get a grip on how he worked in Heaven's Arena.

"But is this okay?" Gon questioned, glancing down at the string tied around his finger, "I promised Wing-san..."

She tried to get Killua's attention subtly when she saw who was standing at the end of the elevator, but he ignored her exclaiming that it was obviously okay.

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