Fighter's X Debut

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Killua hummed upon entering the stands where spectators were spread about cheering loudly with a vibrant energy that she sort of liked. It wasn't as packed as she thought it would be considering the ridiculous line they had to wait in before entering. "It's been a while, but this place hasn't changed one bit."

Gon quickly turned his head to face the white-haired boy as they sat down, "Eh? Killua, you've been here before?"

"Yeah, when I was six," he continued, "My dad left me here without a penny. He said that I should reach the 200th floor before coming back home. It took two years."

Rukei always thought the Zakuya's training was pretty ridiculous but compared to being dropped in a fighter's den at the age of six, her training wasn't all that bad.

"If you want to fight people of Hisoka's level, we'll need to go higher. Let's hurry."

They both nodded when the intercom called over #1973 and #2055 to enter ring E. Gon set down his bag, exclaiming that he was starting to get nervous to which Killua gave him a two worded suggestion.

And if Gon's opponent-shaped crater left in the wall was anything to go by, it was a good suggestion to follow. Not too long afterwards, Rukei was called down too, her number being #2056. It irritated her that she was last, again, but she didn't make a comment on it lest Killua started being annoying about it.

"Any other words of advice, senpai?" Rukei joked lightly as she set her bag down, giving a side long glance towards Killua.

The boy thought about it for a minute before giving her a shrug, "You should just do what you always do."

What she always did? Rukei blinked in confusion before she gave a small smile in understanding. Her opponent was wary, as Gon just proved that the children in the arena were not to be taken lightly. But wary or not, her opponent was easily flipped over and knocked out, getting her a path to floor 50.

"The first 200 floors of Heaven's Arena are divided into classes, each compromised of ten floors," the elevator lady explained, "So after someone defeats an opponent in the 50s they advance to the 60s. If they lose, they'd drop back down to the 40s."

Gon listened earnestly, to which the lady seemed to be pleased with, "So that's how it works..."

"I've heard that after you pass the 100th floor, you get your own room!"

Rukei glanced behind her to see a young boy, a couple years younger than them in a white gi and red belt; she recognized him from earlier.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Osu*!" he started with a familiar martial arts greeting, "My name is Zushi! What about you guys?"

"I'm Killua."

"I'm Rukei."

"I'm Gon. Nice to meet you," the boy chimed, and they arrived at the 50th floor just a moment later. They stepped out of the elevator and Rukei gave a little nod to the lady as they went out. "I saw your fight earlier," Zushi mentioned, "That was really amazing!"

Killua glanced down at the boy as they headed for the counter, "What are you talking about? You made it up here with one match too."

The boy shook his head, "No, I still have a long way to go," he stated with a disciplined tone of voice, "By the way, what martial arts discipline do you practice? I study the Shingen-ryu fighting technique!" He announced, obviously quite proud of the technique he studied under.

"A school?" Killua repeated, "We don't have one, right?"

Gon shook his head and Rukei answered with a "Not really..." She wondered if the XX Alliance counted as a school, but she wasn't trained under a specific style there so she supposed not. It bothered her a little that she was given little bits of a bunch different fighting styles rather than one, like the Zakuya, but as long as she remembered everything she was taught, it wasn't a big deal.

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