4. Karou

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The feast commenced after the Headmistress made a few points, mostly concerning the fact that the forest was strictly off limits to everyone and that the lights out is a solid rule. I rolled my eyes and made a face at Marissa through the crowd. The two of us started communicating through a finger talk we had invented ages ago.

Same old, same old, Marissa signed.

Is parkour on the moving staircases not allowed too?

Marissa's eyes got wide and a wicked grin appeared on her face. Not yet it isn't. Saturday after Quidditch practice.

Can I come?

No first years allowed on the house teams.

I didn't say anything about joining the team.

Do it then, K. I want to see this.

Glad I'm not the only one with stupid hair. That Gryffindor has taste.

Your hair is gorgeous, but I'll help you grow the other half back out, okay?

Then we were all dismissed. The other first years followed the Prefect, a young man named Travis Olander, to the dormitories. We walked down the stairs to a long hallway and I listened intently as Travis spoke.

"Now, the way to the Hufflepuff dormitory is relatively simple; if you ever forget, it's right across and a bit farther down than the Kitchens. Which is that still life right there, tickle the pear if you want in, the house elves are very generous. See, this pile of barrels right here?"

"That's the entrance?" one of the others spoke up in a clearly dismayed voice. "God, this house is even stupider than I thought!"

Travis's smile melted away. "Hey, now. Hufflepuff is one of the greatest houses. Just because our defining quality isn't something that leaps to mind doesn't mean it isn't just as worthy. Loyalty and hard work and kindness are nothing to turn your nose up at. There's a reason we never win the House Cup, and that's because we do it on purpose. The Gryffindors would feel as if they weren't good enough, the Slytherins would feel bitter and break themselves trying to win the next year, and Ravenclaw would think they were idiots."

The first year was silent for a moment, then said, "Whatever," in a dismissive tone.

Travis frowned a bit more. "Well, you may think whatever you like, but I'll not have you voicing these opinions okay? Some of the others aren't as gentle as me.

"Now," he continued, leading everyone up to the barrels. "This middle one here in the bottom row is the entrance. You have to rap out 'Helga Hufflepuff' like this-" he demonstrated, and the door swung open, "to get in. Be careful, though, if you pick the wrong barrel or try too many times, the other barrels have been known to spill vinegar all over you. Now, follow me!"

I was the first to dive in, crawling on my hands and knees up the low, earthy tunnel. The dirt was soft but hard, and not the slightest bit dusty, and it smelled amazing. The common room itself was a large circle decorated brightly in yellow and black and earthen tones. Little potted plants stood on shelves in the walls, while comfy chairs of every variety were positioned around the large central fireplace. Tables of honeyed oak, low and tall, spread across the room, which seemed sunny even though the low windows at the top of the somewhat low-ceilinged room were black with night. The whole place smelled like apple blossoms and honey and cinnamon and home. In a small basket next to the door were several letters penned in all different hands.

"Girls to the left and boys to the right, if you please," Travis said. "This is the common room, where we all hangout and do homework and just generally have a great time. Remember, we're all friends here and we're all here to help, so if any of you are having any sort of trouble, just ask, okay? We're all gonna take care of each other."

Just as Travis finished, a great number of Hufflepuffs poured into the room, all smiling greatly, and began engaging first years. A young man came up to me and introduced himself as Victor.

"Just call me Vic," he said, flashing a white toothed grin. "I'm a third year, and I'll be showing you the ropes for the first couple days if that's okay with you."

I smiled somewhat awkwardly, unsure how to decline. "Hey, um, thanks so much for the offer Vic, but, uh, my sister already promised to take me around..."

He just smiled back. "Hey, that's cool, mate. Don't want to interrupt on your family time. You head off to bed now. Classes are in the morning." He waved and walked off.

I nodded and smiled back, as warm as if I had just downed a whole butterbeer. I started to walk to the girl's dormitory when Travis clapped his hands.

"Everyone!" he called. "Before you head off to bed, let's do the bonding ceremony, okay?"

All the students began to gather in a circle and I rushed to join them, mimicking the others as I clasped two strangers hands.

In Latin, all the students began to recite the Hufflepuff motto, and I felt warmth wash over me in waves, love and happiness and comfort and laughter, but also other things, like depression and anxiety and concern. When they finished, everyone took a step back and the female prefect, who introduced herself as Gladys, said, "Alright, now, you should all be able to feel each other's emotions, since I know speaking out for help can be difficult. This way, everyone will be able to give each other a hand or whatever when they need it. Goodnight!"

I dispersed through the door to the beds, seeing another round room with plenty of beds and a spiral staircase heading down the center to other levels of the sleeping room. I spotted my bed immediately, with my barn owl Haru perched in his cage. Marissa's tawny owl Captain Levi stood at the foot of the wooden bedframe, a honeyed oak offset by a beautifully unique patchwork quilt with my name embroidered on it.

I sat on the bed, letting Haru out of his cage and read Marissa's note.

Hey Rou Rou,

Hope you're settling in well. Congrats on Hufflepuff! I'm going to go collect some moolah from Mum and Dad now since I won the House bet. Meet you tomorrow in the Great Hall; come sit with me for breakfast.

XOXO - Mari

I sent Captain Levi off through the window just above my bed and changed into my mom's old Slytherin pajamas Dad had made for her in his fifth year before snuggling under my quilt and falling asleep.   

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