5. Farid

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After the feast, I began to follow the rest of the Slytherins, when someone called my name. I turned to see my brother standing in the corridor. He wove through the still-moving crowd to me.

"What was that?!" he asked roughly. "Mum's going to flip her lid when she hears about this! Our parents raised us to be the smart ones, not stuck-up cold-bloods! The only way you could've gotten anything other than the house you belong in is if you asked. So just what are you trying to pull?"

I shied away from his anger, backing up until my back hit the cold stone wall.

"I even stayed up late with you last night! We studied together! And all that hard work for this?! I wasted my time."

"Oi!" He and I looked toward the source of the yell. "Leave her alone! What gives you the right to yell at her and make a scene like some spoiled snotrag kid?" The white-haired girl stalking toward us was fierce and tall. The torch flames flicked, making the green and silver scarf around her neck look like a living creature.

"I happen to be her brother," Arthur replied, puffing out his chest. "and what are you, snake?"

She mimicked his stance arrogantly, and replied in a mocking tone, "I happen to be her housemate." The girl strode forward pulling out her wand, and Arthur backed away fearfully. "And you're going to want to think long and hard with that tiny brain of yours about what you're going to say next. Because if you mess with my house," she raised the wand threateningly, "I will not hesitate to use this." He nodded frantically. The girl held out her free hand to me without taking her eyes off my brother, and I took it nervously, letting her pull me to my feet. She slung her arm around my shoulders.

"We're going to go to our dormitory now," she said coolly, "I suggest you do the same." With that, she turned and towed me away. Once we had walked for about five minutes, she removed her arm from my shoulders but still walked by my side.

"I'm Marissa Montgomery. Don't worry, Slytherin's are nothing like the stereotype. We're much more fabulous than that."

I nodded shyly.

"You're Farid Sylvia, right?"

I nodded again and Marissa laughed a little. "Quiet, aren't you? Ah, well, we'll get you talking soon enough. And here we are!" She gestured to a large set of black double doors with a dramatic flourish. She pushed one side open, and my jaw dropped in awe as I entered the common room.

"Only a Slytherin can open our doors," Marissa commentated, "The windows usually show the lake, but it's too dark to see anything now. Girls dorms are on the left, guys are on the right. Feel free to be yourself, and have some confidence doing it. All Slytherins have a talent for being leaders, even if they don't show it at first." I hardly listened to her friendly chatter as I took in the room. Bookshelves and tables lined the walls on one side of the room, covered in books and random knick-knacks. The other side looked like obsidian, and I guessed that was what Marissa meant by a window to the lake. Black armchairs were crowded around the room, and green fire crackled merrily in each of the three fireplaces.

"It's amazing," I whispered.

"You can speak!" Marissa cried, "And yeah, it is. It's a great place to hang, and the windows are insulated with magic, so it's never cold down here, contrary to popular belief."

I returned her grin hesitantly, and she led me to the girls' dorm. Inside, the beds all lay facing another window to the lake, and other first-year girls lay sprawled on the beds, chatting. They all looked up when I entered the room, and beamed at me.

"Looks like you're in good hands here," Marissa said, "you should find me at breakfast, Farid. I think you'd like my sister."

I nodded. "Thank you."

She grinned and left. I walked to the third bed down where my trunk had been delivered, and retrieved my pajamas - a black t-shirt and flannel pajama bottoms - before climbing onto the bed. I pulled the curtains, changed into my sleepwear, and curled up under the covers, hoping I would fall asleep quickly.     

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