32. Avila

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"Hey, Avila," Farid greeted me. She sat down next to me at my table. Breakfast was underway, and I had been chewing a piece of bacon when Farid came in. She grabbed some toast and started adding toppings.

"Hey, Farid," I responded, pulling the plate of waffles over to us. "Anything interesting happen between last night and now?"

Farid shook her head and we ate in silence until Karou made herself known - by dashing excitedly into the great hall, bumping into several groups of people, and plopping down in front of us. Out of breath, she asked us, "What's your favorite number?"

Farid and I glanced at each other. "Good morning to you too," I told her.

She rolled her eyes, pulling a plate over to her without paying attention to what it was. "What's your favorite number?" It was the typical out-of-the-blue questions that I'd expected to come from Karou: it was like her mind ran at a hundred miles an hour and she didn't realize that no one could keep up with her.

"Seven," I told her. I then proceeded to shove a giant piece of waffle and whipped cream into my mouth so she couldn't question me about it.

"Zero," Farid said after me.

"Why?" Karou asked. "I like 21 best. It's kind of like freedom - when you can drink in America, when you're a senior in college, when you're an adult."

"I like zero because, without it, you couldn't get very far. It represents nothing and everything," Farid explained, nibbling at her toast.
Both girls turned to me. "Why is seven your favorite number?" Karou demanded.

I shrugged. "I have no good reason, I just like the number seven. I always have. Why do you want to know?"

"I ran into Alice on the way here," Karou started. Farid and I groaned together at the mention of the blonde Gryffindor's name. "And she tried to pull her bull on me, you know, trying to trash Farid and Slytherins and stuff, but I said I had an important question to ask my friends and hurried off." She shook her head. "I don't need detention from Filch again. We only just managed to fix my pants from last time. Then I just realized I didn't know your favorite numbers and decided to ask."

"I see." I nodded and put some more waffle in my mouth.

"Anyway, the ball is tonight." Karou started, serving herself some spinach quiche. "Hell's Angel's agreed to perform, even on such short notice. It was very nice of my- them to do that, don't you think?" Her face went a little white, but she recovered quickly.

"Yeah, really nice. How'd you contact them?" Farid asked, buttering a piece of her waffle before putting it in her mouth. I opened my mouth but didn't say anything, remembering that she had been so nervous when she thought I knew at the beginning of the year.

A look of worry flashed over Karou's face. "I had Deathridge get in contact with their tour manager, and the lead singer is an alumni from here." Farid nodded with her mouth full. "They're getting here later today to set up and everything. I think my- Deathridge, said they'd stop near the lake for people to get autographs and stuff."

"Wait, they're gonna let us get autographs?" Someone asked. It was a fourth or fifth year girl. She had dark hair, darker eyes, and matching skin. She was leaning over the table in excitement. "Awesome! When do you think they're gonna get here?"

The three of us shrugged and she turned back to her friend, who squealed. "Either way, we're gonna need a lot of time to get ready, plus we have to help set up after lunch. I have no idea how long it's gonna take, and I'm kinda worried we won't have enough time." Karou started speaking faster and faster, the worry consuming her mind and causing her to stop eating. I noticed that she seemed thinner than a few weeks ago, and remembered her working on the costumes through meal times, assuring us that she would visit the kitchens before bed.

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