14. Avila

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I watched Karou leave with interest. She seemed worked up about something, but I wasn't about to ask her. She clearly wanted to be alone.

The piece of chicken I was holding was gently pulled out of my hand and I looked down. Wendy was eating the piece of meat. I smiled at her. She reminded me of my family, because my dad and sister had picked her out for me, and mom had helped me name her.

Farid and I finished lunch in silence, occasionally petting or feeding Wendy.

I walked quickly back up to the castle after Care of Magical Creatures. The bowtruckles were cute, but Wendy had followed me to class and wouldn't stop sniffing them, which scared them away from me.

"You know, I don't have any more food?" I asked her.

Wendy looked up at me and meowed softly. I sighed at her. I had a free period right now - all first years did because Flying lesson don't start for a few weeks. I guessed it's because we need to get acclimated to life at Hogwarts.

"Come on, we need to talk to McGonagall. What shall we nickname her? Micky?" I looked at Wendy, who stayed silent but looked disapproving. "You're right. How about Minne?"

Wendy butted her head against my leg, meowing happily. "Minnie it is then."

I walked into the Great Hall, hoping to find the Headmistress, with no luck. "Where do you think her office is Wendy?"

Wendy just jumped on the table and sniffed around for food. "All gone. If there's any food anywhere, it'll be in the kitchens, and I don't know where those are either. Sorry."

An idea popped into my head. "Do you think Professor Love will be mad if I interrupt her class?" I asked my cat, who was still sniffing. I shrugged. "Guess I'll find out."

I started walking to the Transfiguration classroom, thinking I was leaving Wendy behind. But as I raised my hand to knock on the door to the classroom, Wendy crashed into me.

"Whoa there. You're a clumsy one aren't you?"


I nodded at her. "Got it." I knocked on the door.

"Come in." Professor Love called.

I opened the door and found a bunch of upperclassmen looking at me. "Uh... hi."

"Miss Winchester!" Professor Love called when she saw me. "Come in!"

I stepped into the classroom for the second time that day, except instead of Farid with me, I had a cat. "Could you tell me where I can find Headmistress McGonagall? I have a question for her." I asked quickly. The upperclassmen wouldn't stop looking at me.

"Of course." Professor Love gave me directions and a password and said she'd alert Minne that I was coming.

I thanked her and left quickly.

"Marauders," I told the gargoyle. It stepped aside and revealed a stone escalator. I stepped on, and Wendy still continued to follow.

"Do you plan on following me everywhere every day?" I asked her as we moved up. "Because as adorable as that is, I don't think everyone will be happy about that."

Wendy smiled back at me, I swear.

"You know what would be cool? If we could telepathically communicate. I'll have to look into that."

"It's quite possible with magical animals." Minnie's voice said. I looked up and realized we were at the top of the escalator. Minnie was standing just inside her open door, waiting for us. "If you create a strong enough bond, you can perform a spell that allows you to talk with your animal. Or you can become an animagus. Or both. Please, come in."

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