18. Avila

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I hurried out of the Great Hall and found Minne ascending the stairs. "Minnie!" I called to her. Instantly, the woman froze. Slowly she turned to me with a strange look on her face. "Is it okay if I call you Minnie?"

For a moment, she stared at me, then she sighed. "Yes. Some old students of mine used to call me that long ago, that's all. You may call me Minnie if you must, but in front of other students, it's Headmistress or Professor, understood?"

"Yes, ma'am. I understand. I just... um, now works for me, for that meeting."

Minne nodded. "Follow me then."

I followed Minne out the front doors, into the fading light. I caught sight of a large stadium with six hoops rising above the top. I assumed that was the Quidditch Pitch. Minnie led me right past it, towards Professor Hagrid's hut."Um, where exactly are we going?"

"Into the forest. There's a trail behind Rubeus's hut for detention. We are meeting with the centaurs. They wish to meet you."

We arrived at Professor Hagrid's hut a few minutes later and found the man waiting for us just outside his door. He nodded to Minnie and greeted me. "Hey there Miss Winchester. I heard all abou' yer family. Yer a tough one."

"Thank you, Professor."

"Please jus' Hagrid'll do. Good luck."

Minnie led me into the forest. We only had to walk for a few minutes before arriving at the meeting.

"Miss Winchester, meet Firenze, the leader of the Centaur colony that lives in this forest."

"Hello, sir." I greeted him. "My name is Avila."

The centaur had red hair, a red beard, a red tail, and a chestnut body. He stood tall and proud but didn't look displeased. He was flanked by several other centaurs. Firenze looked me over once. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I have been informed of your request, and the reasons behind it, but I would like to hear a full story from you."

"Of course, sir," I replied nervously. "What would you like to know?"


"I see," Firenze said when I had finished. He stroked his beard as he thought. "You wish to occupy one clearing, to keep your skills sharp."

I nodded confirmation to his statement. "Yes, sir."

"Excuse us, while we discuss this." He requested. He and the other centaurs turned away from us.

I had told them all about life as a hunter, and my father's expectations. I had explained that we help people, and only kill when we have to, but I still needed sharp skills. I hoped since they carried bows and arrows of their own that they would understand that.

I also noticed that they were proud: The centaurs had been looking at me with a critical eye when we'd arrived, but had relaxed more and more whenever I had called Firenze 'sir'. I absently wondered why.

Minnie put her hand on my shoulder and I looked up at her.

"You handled that well. Centaurs are very proud creatures. Witches and Wizards very rarely treat them as equals. You did. That will take you far in life," she whispered to me. I nodded to her and turned back to the centaurs.

After a few minutes, Firenze turned back to us and the other centaurs ran off. "We have decided to allow you to use a clearing as long as you attend Hogwarts. I shall help you pick a place. Come, I have a place in mind."

Minnie and I followed Firenze down a path and into a large clearing. "It is very near the edge of the forest and is rarely used. It won't be missed. You may cast protection spells, mark the trees to find your way and store whatever you wish here. I guarantee everything left here will be safe. What do you think?"

I walked around the clearing. It was large and open, the trees made a circle and the setting sun was still visible in the west. The ground was mostly grass, green and straight, revealing how little it was used. "It's perfect," I told the centaur when I had circled the whole clearing. "Thank you."

"I will leave you two to set it up then. I believe you will be able to find your way back?"

"Yes, Firenze. Thank you very much." Minnie replied. Firenze left us, and she turned to me. "What do you need?"

"Um, all my stuff is in my trunk," I told her.

Minnie nodded and waved her wand. "It will be here momentarily. I will start putting up some protective spells."

"Ok. You have fun with that." I muttered as she walked away.

"Come here." She called after a few seconds. "I will teach you a few things." I walked over to her and she taught me how to cast a spell that was like a forcefield, and one that would make the clearing undetectable to any who didn't know about it.

"Keep practicing those - they're good spells to know. Your trunk is here, get set up."

I looked behind us and found my trunk. "Well, hello there."

I walked over to it and pulled out the things I needed and started putting things up.

Twenty minutes later, I had finished. Minne sent my trunk back to my room and showed me how to mark trees with magic as we walked back.

"I believe your friends are on the Quidditch Pitch," Minnie said when we'd reached the castle grounds again. "Which is that way. Have a good night Miss Winchester."

"Good night, Minnie," I said with a smile. "Thank you."

She nodded and headed to the castle. I looked at the sun, trying to estimate the time. After a moment I gave up and rushed to my friends.

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