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I did feel bad about frightening Farid; I was used to pouncing on my sister whenever I saw her. But my excitement about the Bowtruckles on the tree in front of us made me forget about it all together.

I had a nice long chat with it, even though it couldn't speak; it was very expressive. I was almost upset when class ended and I had to say goodbye.

Slowly, I trekked my way back up to the castle, glancing over my shoulder at the Forbidden Forest. Merlin's beard, that looked fun. Especially winding through the trees on a broomstick, feeling the wind rush at my face...

"I wonder what's in there," I thought aloud. Farid didn't say anything, so I continued talking. "Centaurs for sure, one of them was very friendly with Harry Potter, I read his biography. And unicorns too, Voldemort fed off them in his weakened state when Harry Potter was in his first year. God, did they learn anything here when all that was going on?" The two of us walked through the doors and into the Great Hall. I spotted Avila sitting at the Gryffindor table reading a book of some kind, which she snapped shut and put away as the two of us sat across from her.

I helped myself to some of the cold chicken and spoke after I had swallowed. "So, Avila. Since I have taken it upon myself to acquaint you with the Wizarding World, let's start off with some general knowledge. So, several decades ago, and this is the abbreviated version, so bear with me here, there was this dude named Tom Riddle. Basically, he started practicing the Dark Arts in his search for power and amassed a cult following that had matching tattoos and a dress code and stuff. You with me so far?"

"Power hungry kid creates a cult following, go on."

"Uh huh, yeah. So, then this guy basically decides he wants to rule the wizarding world. So he goes around and starts murdering everyone, and his whole cult joins in, using Unforgivable Curses and stuff. Dark times, lots of death, people were terrified. This all happened before we were born, of course. Anyways, because of a man named Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Hogwarts was safe. He was the Headmaster here and a very powerful wizard, Order of Merlin and-"

"Wait, wait. You memorized his entire name? Why?"

I sighed, resting my head in a hand. "He was a great wizard, Avila, one of the very best, even if he was a bit... well- dodgy."

"Ok, fine. Whatever. So power hungry ass tries to take over with his cult, and a bunch of people are killed in the process and someone named Dumbledore protected the school?"

"Yeah. More about him later. Anyways, Dumbledore- Oh my goodness who is this little fluffy?" I bent down over my bench and scooped up a furry brown and white cat with wide stripes and socked feet in my arms, nuzzling my face in its fur. "Who's a pretty little pud pud? Well," I looked at the cat, observing it was a bit larger than your average tabby. "A large pud pud." I looked around. "Where's your owner, pretty kitty?"

"That's Wendy. She's my kitten." Avila said, smiling gently at the cat.

I raised an eyebrow, looking at Farid, who was reaching out to stroke the cat. "Surely you mean cat. I mean, she's already pretty big."

"No, I mean kitten. She's 10 months old. She's a Norwegian Forest Cat, and she won't be fully grown until she's five years old. She still has a long way to go."

"Holy mother of God!" I screeched, my adopted American accent coming out perfect.

"Wow, you got the American accent down pact."

I blushed deeply, looking at the cat. "Uh, well, Mom... My, my mom, she's a... uh... a Muggle Studies professor and she writes the textbooks for most of the schools. Normally, I mean, she's a professor at Durmstrang Academy, but she's writing textbooks for Ilvermorny on commission so I've been there the past couple years."

Farid grimaced and took her hand back, scowling. I cocked my head at her, wondering what was wrong.

"That's nice."

"Um, yeah." I looked away, not really wanting to talk about my family anymore. Oh, God, what if they found out about my dad? No one would ever like me for me again. I'd just be the daughter of the lead singer. "So, anyway, yeah." I pulled out my phone and checked the time. "Oh blimey, I have to go." I stood up quickly, hurriedly walking away. "I'll see you all later! Let's meet at the Library during our free period!"

"Okay.... Bye." Avila returned to her food, picking up a piece of chicken to coax her kitten to her. Farid waved slightly after me.

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