8. Avila

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I woke with a start. Something was wrong. The bed was too comfortable. The room was too cool.
I rolled over and my sketch book slid off of me. It landed on the floor with a thud, and I followed after it with a groan.
"Wow. You're awake." Someone's voice said. The accent was off - it was British. I didn't recognize it, and reached for my pillow. Or more specifically, the knife under it. "You should get to breakfast, it ends at 7:45 and classes start at eight. Just so you know."
"What?" I asked groggily. They didn't sound like a threat. I opened my eyes, and a circular room full of beds swam into focus. The previous day came to mind. "Oh. ... Wait, what time is it?"
"Um... 7:20 ish?" My roommate said.
"Oh no!" I scrambled to my feet and dashed to the bathroom, clothes in hand.
"Yeah! So you know, we tried to wake you ages ago, but you wouldn't budge!" The girl called after me.
"I guess I'm not surprised." I called to her as I dressed.  "My sleep schedule's messed up."
I rushed out of the bathroom. "How do I get to breakfast?" I asked the girls in the room as I packed my bag.
"Find your way all the way down the stairs and you won't be able to miss it." A new voice said. Absently, I wondered how many girls there are in my year.
I spotted my kitten asleep at the end on my bed, and ran my hand through her fur a few times. Then I grabbed my pencil case, sketchbook, and the letters I'd written last night.
"Thanks." I rushed out of the room.
"See you in class!" Someone called after me.
I paused in the hallway in front of the Fat Lady. "How do I get to the stairs?" I asked her.
"Oh, they're just around that corner dear." She said, pointing to the left. "Muggleborn?"
I glanced at her. I think that's what the girl, Alice, had called me last night. I nodded uncertainly and rushed to the stairs.
I hurried down a few flights, then paused and leaned over the railing. The stairs were moving, but gravity was always helpful.
I can slide down the railings. I decided. That will save time.
But before I could turn and move to sit on the railing of the nearest stairs, I heard someone scream. I looked up, and before I knew it, something, or more accurately someone, as I discovered a moment later, grabbed onto me, and we were falling through the air.

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