12. Farid

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After Transfiguration, which had been quite fun, I headed off to History of Magic alone. Most of the class fell asleep not long after the old ghost teacher began speaking, but I took notes diligently, used to sitting through my parents long, uninteresting lectures.

After History, I checked my schedule and smiled. I had Care of Magical Creatures next. I loved animals. I headed out to the grounds.

Halfway to Professor Hagrid's hut, someone tackled me from behind. I yelped as we both fell to the ground and scrambled away from my assailant. Karou sat in the grass, laughing and I pouted at her.

"You scared me," I whispered.

"Haha, sorry dude," she said, climbing to her feet, and slinging her arm over my shoulder. I resumed moving toward the Professor's hut as she chattered on. "Magical Creatures next, huh? Sounds like fun! We should work together, savvy?"

"Um, ok." I wasn't sure what 'savvy' meant, but I wasn't sure I had it in me to ask.

When we reached Professor Hagrid's hut, several other Slytherins and Hufflepuffs had gathered outside, and more were trickling nervously over. Once everyone had arrived, the large man standing in front of us clapped his hands together.

"Alrigh', looks like everyone's here," he said in a booming voice, "Are yeh ready, kids?"

A few students muttered agreement, before-

"AYE-AYE, CAPTAIN!" Karou shouted from beside me.

Several people jumped, and there was a surprised silence before a few muggle-borns near the back chuckled nervously.

Professor Hagrid cleared his throat. "Erm, anyway, today we'll be startin' yeh off with Bowtruckles."

As the lesson commenced, I found it easy to follow along. The other students kept shooting strange looks back at Karou, who sat next to me, happily chatting with the bowtruckle in front of us. I listened to their conversation absently -they were talking about how rude people were to compare his kind to stickbugs- and stared at the Forbidden Forest. It didn't look dangerous at all, but I guessed it would be much more frightening farther in, and even more so at night. Karou would no doubt drag Winchester and I in at some point to explore, and I vaguely wondered what would happen if we were caught.

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