6. Avila

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Once everyone had been sorted the Headmistress gave a speech. She mentioned a Forbidden Forest and that it was... Forbidden. Honestly, does she have to say that every year? Isn't the name enough for people?

I was definitely gonna explore the Forest later though - forbidden or not. I wondered what it would take to convince the Headmistress to let me set up camp in there - for practice of course. I had promised my dad, maybe that would work.

After the Headmistress (was her name McGone? No, too short. McSomething. Headmistress is too formal. And long. Note to Self: Make nicknames for all the teachers. It's the only way you'll remember their names.) finished her speech, she sat down.

Everyone looked to the plates in front of them, as if they would fill with food on their own.

I was about to say something when BAM! Food magically appeared on the plates.

"Holy mother of-" I said, jumping back.

The witches and wizards around me laughed.

"Muggleborn?" Someone asked.

"I don't know what that is, but the plates just filled with food." I said. "And lots of it. I think I can get used to the whole magic thing."

The girl across from me laughed. "You're funny. And definitely a muggle born. It means that neither of your parents have magic. Muggle is our term for non-magical folk."

"Ahh." I said, only slightly paying attention. I was filling my plate with food - lots and lots of food.

"Are you sure you'll be able to eat all that?" She asked me. "My names Alice, by the way."

I glanced at Alice. She was also a few years ahead of me, but I decided I couldn't be mean to everyone just because they were older than me. Besides, apparently, this would be my family here at Hogwarts. Couldn't get off on the wrong foot.

"Well, Alice. I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm from America - don't ask why I'm here, but I am. I had an 18 hour flight, barely make the train, and I missed this apparent food trolley on said train because I was sleeping. That means I haven't eaten since breakfast time yesterday. In California, which is eight hours behind those of us here. That means I'm cranky, and I'm starving. And I have a big appetite anyway. So yes, I do think I'll be able to finish this."

With that, I proceeded to eat my food.

Time passes quickly when you're eating good food. Before I knew it, the feast was over, and I was being herded to our 'common room' with a bunch of other First Years.

"This is the Fat Lady." Alice from dinner announced. She had stopped in front of a portrait of a, well, a fat lady wearing a pink satin dress. We'd gone up about a thousand stairs (on staircases that MOVED!) and down a bunch of long hallways that all looked the same, filled to the brim with portraits (that also moved, and TALKED!). I was ashamed to say that I was thoroughly and completely confused.

"This is the entrance to Gryffindor Tower, where our Common Room is." Alice was saying.

Behind her, the Fat Lady winked at us. "Password?" She asked in a high pitched, dainty voice.

Alice looked at us. "You must remember the password. It's the only way you'll get into the tower. This year, the password is Wiggentree."

"Correct." The Fat Lady confirmed. Her portrait swung off the walls like a door, and we followed Alice into the common room. It was small, but warm and cozy. It was decked out in red and gold everything and had a large fireplace that held bright dancing flames.

It didn't remind me of home, but it was very pretty nonetheless.

"Alright. Boys on the left, girls on the right. Follow the steps until you find doors marked First Years. Your things have already been brought up. If you have pets, any owls will already be in the Owlery, or they're off hunting, as they are nocturnal creatures. Cats and toads are in your rooms. Breakfast is at 6:30, classes start at 8. Schedules will be handed out tomorrow, during breakfast. Look for Professor Longbottom. Good night."

Several of my peers looked at each other and started whispering about the teacher Alice had mentioned. I caught snatches of conversation as I followed the other first year girls up the stairs and into our dormitory.

"Heard he cut off-"

"Snake's head, yeah."

"Close friends with-"

They were all yawning, and clearly tired, but I wasn't - I was very much awake. It was maybe three pm in the timezone I was on.

I still changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed, but instead of going to sleep, I wrote my family letters, as demanded, and set them aside to send tomorrow. Then, I pulled my notepad and pencil case out of my trunk, and drew until I fell asleep.  

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