34. Avila

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I stared around the Great Hall, watching people receive letters from home. The sight of the birds still amazed me, and I suspected that it would no matter how many times I saw it this year. I turned back to my friends with a sigh as the herd of owls started to thin. I listened to their conversation absently, considering the weather. It hadn't yet snowed, but I could tell we were going to get some soon, which excited me - I'd never really gotten to play in snow before.

The school year had flown by after the Halloween Ball, and the week following it had been filled with compliments about it. The three of us had accepted them graciously, after we'd gotten used to it.

Now, Christmas Break was nearing. It started at the end of the week, and I'd sent a letter off ages ago, confirming that I'd get to see my family. The owl should be back any day now, and I was scared that something had come up - a hunt of some kind or another - that would prevent me from returning to America.

I watched the last of the owls leave, and watched a slow flier soar in. To my surprise, it soared down to me. It dropped a bag on the table, and a package wrapped in Christmas paper slid out. I felt my heart sink. Once it landed, I recognized it as the school owl I'd sent to America, and I quickly untied the letter from its leg. I offered it a bit of bacon, which it eagerly accepted before flying off, and then tore open the letter.

Hey, Sweetheart,

I hope you're doing well at school, enjoying it and everything. I'm glad to hear the Wendy is doing well, and that you put on a ball! I love the pictures you sent home, and you should have seen our faces when we saw them moving! It was a fantastic surprise, and the small one lives in your father's wallet now. I think it comforts him on hunts.

Speaking of hunts, we're about to leave on a big one. Sam and Dean tried so hard to get out of this one, so that you could come home, and even Cas tried to help, but there's no getting out of this one unfortunately. So, I'm very sorry to say that you won't be able to come home at break.

I know you're disappointed, I am too, but evil doesn't wait. You're really much safer staying in Europe, where nothing Supernatural here knows where you are. Besides, you're halfway through the year. It'll be summer in no time! We can't wait to see you. Your father and I send our love, and Mary is asking for more moving pictures. The packages are your Christmas presents: please wait until the 25th to open them?

Lots of love,


I stared at the letter, then reread it. Each time I read it, I felt my heart grow heavier with disappointment. I sighed after the third read through, I sighed, folded it up and put it in my robes.

"What's wrong?" Karou asked when I turned back to her and Farid. They had been eyeing the bag, which was full of wrapped presents.

"I can't go home for Christmas anymore." I sighed. "Something's come up. Mom sent my gifts ahead."

"Oh. I'm sorry." Karou said, voice full of sympathy.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure why I'm disappointed. I'm not surprised or anything. But I'm already on the list of kids leaving for break."

"Well, you can come spend Christmas with me." Karou offered with a small smile. "My parents wouldn't mind. We have an extra room you can use and everything. Come on, we can write them a letter now, and send your presents ahead with it!"

Karou gathered up the boxes that had slid across the table and put them back in the bag, before grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the table.

"But I haven't finished eating!" I let her lead me away anyway, since I no longer had an appetite.   

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