46. Avila

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I sighed, wishing I'd been able to sleep at all. Unfortunately, Karou and I had slept through the train ride, which meant we were not sleepy at bedtime. I'd finally been unable to stand it and gotten up around five, and just walked around the castle. Now, I found myself staring at the doors to the Great Hall, wondering if they were open at half past five in the morning - which was the current time.

"Couldn't sleep either, huh?" Karou's voice sounded from behind me. I spun around in surprise and shook my head at her.

"At least we have the weekend to fix our sleep schedule before classes start again," I mumbled, to which Karou nodded in agreement. "I was gonna hang out in the Great Hall until breakfast. But if you're up, you can teach me how to use this!" I pulled one of the presents Karou had gotten me out of my bag: a Wizard's Chess set.

Karou's eyes lit up. "Of course! I thought you'd like chess if you don't already play. I have to warn you, though - I'm really good. I've been playing as long as I can remember, and my house has monthly competitions. Not to brag, but I haven't lost yet. Everyone was so surprised the first time..."

I stopped listening to Karou, a smile on my face, and led her into the Great Hall - which was unlocked, as it turned out. She kept rambling as I led her to the Slytherin table, as it was the nearest, and we'd be able to see Farid there when she came up for breakfast. I set up the game as I remembered chess to be set up - I'd tried years ago and decided I hated it, but Uncle Sam had convinced me to give it another go just after my birthday. I was still rubbish at it, but I was willing to learn now.

Karou's ramblings turned into an explanation, and she demonstrated how to move - by instructing the pieces. I felt my mouth fall open, as the marble piece questioned Karou's instruction. She explained that I was new, and she was teaching, and the pieces settled down after that.

Well, for the most part. They tried to help me, but really only confused me. I started to ignore them, but my performance was about the same. I lost three times in a row before Karou started explaining strategies and point systems and opening moves. Seven short-lived games later, the Great Hall came to life. Students had started trickling in some time during our fifth game, and the food popped up a few minutes after.

Farid and another Slytherin boy sat down to my right as I instructed a knight to E5. "No!" one bishop argued. "Her Bishop will destroy him! That's a terrible idea!"

I looked over the board and saw that my piece was right. "Damn," I muttered. Karou was asking Farid about break and who the newcomer was, and I listened to Karou talk about her family, the introduction of Jaxer and Farid's explanation of her break - though it sounded like she was hiding something. I shrugged the thought off. She didn't have to tell us everything, and maybe it was because of how full the hall was.

My eyes landed back on my knight, and I asked my pieces, "Well, what should I do?"

"Move the knight to E5," the Bishop said.

"But you just told me not to do that!" The pieces did not respond. I sighed, and repeated, "Knight to E5." The piece moved without complaining and I grumbled at them for a moment before looking up.

"Nice to meet you, Jaxer," I said, offering him a hand.

Jaxer shook it and said, "You too." He made a comment on the Halloween Ball, and I thanked him as I hugged Farid.

"Thank you so much for the gifts! I'm wearing the necklace now, see," I pulled the pendant out from under my shirt. I had been wearing it since I'd unwrapped it, but mostly because I'd been so tired I'd forgotten I was in the first place. Farid didn't need to know that though. I thanked her for the journal, and promised it would be well used, before returning to our game, only to find that Karou had moved into a checkmate position. I stared at the board.

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