17. Farid

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I left the greenhouses cleaner than I'd expected when I found out we'd be working with mandrakes. When I remembered what class I had next, I almost laughed aloud. I ran into the castle and through the halls, smiling like an idiot; I'd been looking forward to potions all day.

I was quite out of breath when I skidded to a stop beside Avila outside of the classroom, but I was too excited to take notice. The taller girl looked confused by my flushed cheeks and bright eyes.

"What's got you all riled up?" She asked.


"But we haven't even started our first class yet," she protested.

"Maybe not, but it's my favorite form of magic," I replied. The door opened, and a middle-aged witch with brown hair gestured for us to file into the room.

Once we were all seated, she took her place at the front of the class.

"I am Professor Deathridge," she began, "welcome to potions. Don't be alarmed," the teacher smiled. "Just because my name is menacing doesn't mean I am. Potion making is a very exact science and I don't expect you all to be good at it. However, I do expect you to put all of your effort into it. Now, if you would pull out your books, I would like you to familiarize yourself with both your partners and the items you will be using."

I nodded and pulled out my book, before looking to Avila. I was glad to see she was well-prepared. I'd heard from my brother that some muggle-borns had trouble getting the supplies they needed, but Avila was clearly adequately stocked.

The lesson went over smoothly, and Avila and I were among the first to successfully complete our Hiccoughing Solution. We were both grinning when we left, and agreed to meet Karou at supper after dropping off our bags and cauldrons in our respective common rooms.

As I entered the Great Hall, I saw my brother coming down the steps toward me. I surprised us both with a cold stare, before turning away, and joining my new friends at the Slytherin table.

I sat next to Karou, where she sat across from Avila and Marissa at the Slytherin table and all three looked at me in confusion.

"What's with you?" Karou asked.

I glanced at the tall boy making his way to the Ravenclaw table. "My brother," I growled, "seems to think he can intimidate me to change my house."

The girls exchanged a look. I pushed my hair back from where it was falling into my eyes with a sigh. "Sorry," I said softly, "I dunno what's happening."

Karou patted my back. "We're cool, mate, everyone gets pissed sometimes. Even family."

Marissa grinned at me as well, reaching across the table to give Karou an affectionate hair tussle. "Trust, me, this little boggart gives me no end of irritation."

I laughed a little, and didn't duck away from the older girl's hand as I might have the day before. I had almost never experienced or witnessed physical forms of affection; my family, as hardcore Ravenclaws, had only ever used report cards to show praise. It appeared my new family was more than a little different.

"Yeah, I've pissed my sister off more times than I can count - she's a real bookworm, see, and I always prank her, or try to get her to help me get dad." Avila agreed with a small smile.

I nodded. "Children in my family were taught to be respectful, and to do that, it often meant pushing away feelings in lieu of getting good grades."

"Well, when everyone in the family's a Ravenclaw, I guess they would really push for that," Marissa said.

Avila scrunched up her face. "That sucks. I mean, I have respect for my parents, if I didn't I'd get.... I don't know, beaten probably, but I never have good grades. Well, except in PE and art, but I love art and PE is a given in the family business."

"What's Pee-Ee?" I asked.

"Oh... um, it stands for Physical Education, and it's a class where you learn about different sports, and you spend some time playing them, and doing fitness and stuff. You know, push-ups, laps, that kind of stuff."

"Basically," Karou said, "Imagine Flying, but much more physical and much more intensive and required for most of your schooling."

"Yeah, imagine spending a whole period running laps around the room, doing push ups and sit ups, and then playing a sport - without broomsticks. No magic."

I grimaced at the thought. The four of us turned our attention to the table at the front of the hall as Headmistress McGonagall stood.

"I hope you all have had a good first day of education. Let the feast begin!"

At her words, the tables filled with food, and everyone descended on the nourishment like wolves.

After a few minutes, Marissa asked, "So, how was the first day for all of you?"

"It was good," Karou replied, grinning.

"We missed most of Binns' lecture, but yeah, it was okay," Avila added.

"I can help you with Binns' class," I piped up, "it's not too hard for me to pay attention during boring monologues. I guess that's one good thing that comes from having extreme Ravenclaw parents."

"Thanks, dude!" Karou patted me on the shoulder, and I smiled tentatively.

As dinner was wrapping up, McGonagall walked over to our table. "Miss Winchester, I believe you wished to speak with me. I will be in my office when you have finished your meal." She looked at Karou and redirected her attention to include both girls. "And may I ask why the two of you are sitting at the Slytherin table rather than with your own houses?"

"We wanted to sit with our friend and my sister," Karou explained, "so we could properly talk about our first day." Avila looked uncomfortable with being spoken for but didn't protest. McGonagall nodded with understanding.

"I've noticed an increase of inter-house friendships since the war," she said, "I wish some were more open with crossing old unnecessary boundaries. I encourage you girls to keep sitting together; hopefully it will dispel some of the separation at our school." With that, she strode away.

Avila stood. "I should go with her," she said, "I'll meet you guys on the field-"

"Pitch," Karou corrected immediately.


"It's called a Quidditch Pitch."

"Okay, fine," Avila rolled her eyes, "I'll meet you guys on the Quidditch Pitch after my meeting with Minnie."

"Alrighty," Karou said, "See ya there!" She turned to her sister. "Should we head down soon?"

Marissa laughed. "Let's finish eating first, and then we'll head down."

"Okay," Karou served herself another slice of pumpkin pie and dove into the dessert happily. When we were all finished, the three of us stood, and left for. As we neared the pitch, I felt a tingle of excitement.

Karou must have noticed my wide eyes, because she asked, "What's up?"

"I haven't been on a broomstick much," I explained humbly. "My brother and I... we were encouraged to focus more on studying than anything else."

"We can fix that," Marissa reassured me, "you're one of us now; we'll get you comfy on a broom in no time."

I smiled my thanks, and we continued onto the pitch, where the older girl revealed that she'd smuggled three extra broomsticks as well as her own down for us. We mounted the brooms and took off with whoops of exhilaration.  

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