The Sweetest Revenge ~ 10

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Chapter 10 ~ Sweetest Revenge

Third Person POV

Amy watched from the kitchen to see Sonic making Romeo laughed. Her face formed a small smile. She invited him over after school and they both set out to the daycare to pick up the two baby hedgehogs. Carolina was sleeping peacefully in her swing and Romeo was watching T.V. until him and Sonic got to know each other a little better. They were suppose to be working on their science project together, but plans changed after picking the kids up. Amy had to quickly whip something up for them to eat and then they can proceed to their project.

''...And once you hear the knock at the door-'' Sonic dashed to the door and gave a gentle knock before coming back to the little green hedgehog. ''That's when-''

''Sonic!'' Amy called from the kitchen. ''What are you telling my nephew?'' She couldn't help, but giggle. Sonic been telling the little boy how to play certain tricks on girls. Once Romeo came into the room, he mentioned a yellow female hedgehog his age named Delilah that kept bugging him. He was tired of her and so Sonic came to the rescue.

''Nothing!'' He called back before turning back Romeo. ''We'll finish having this chat when you're older.''

''How old?'' He gave a toothy grin. ''I wanna know now!''

''Your auntie won't approve.'' Sonic laughed.


''Sorry, kid. Next time.'' Sonic winked.


''Pinky promise.'' Sonic held out his pinky and they both promised. ''Why don't you watch some cartoons?'' Once the T.V. was on, Sonic made his way into the kitchen where Amy was washing potatoes. ''When's dinner finish?' He rubbed his stomach.

''Who said you was getting any?''

''I didn't know we were getting that kinky.'' He winked at her. She turned to him with an angry look and a flushed face. ''Go fuck yourself.'' She humphed.

Sonic laughed. ''Why would I do that?'' She turned to him. ''When I have you to do it for me.'' He gave her a devious smile. She found a nearby towel and threw it at him, which he caught expertly. ''Someone can't throw.''

''I can't believe,'' She turned to him playfully. ''I invite you in my house, let you play with my niece and nephew, cooking you dinner and this is how you repay me?'' Her face gave a smile. Sonic took a seat at a chair and looked at the pink pale hedgehog. Carolina's eyes fluttered open and she giggled at seeing the blue hedgehog. He held her carefully in his arms and began playing with her. ''You're so adorable!'' He cooed. ''Why can't you be my baby!?''

Amy rolled her eyes, but she did enjoy the sight at seeing Sonic being so playful with kids. He'd make a great father one day. ''Never knew beneath that devil blue fur there was actually a heart.''

''I'm a sucker for little ones.'' He held Carolina against his chest and let her play with his fingers. ''I'm lovable.''

''Right.'' Amy replied sarcastically.

''You know what?'' Sonic gave her a toothy grin. ''Me and you should have a baby!''

Amy turned to him, her eyes half closed and she stabbed the knife on the cutting board. ''Don't find yourself six feet under.'' She threatened and pointed the knife at him. Sonic stared at her wide-eyed. ''I'm kidding!''

Amy laughed and continued to cook. Sonic put the baby girl back in her swing and watched Amy cook for a while. The silence was okay for the both of them. After they eat dinner they plan on putting a movie on for the kids and work on their project in the small kitchen at the round black table. Sonic planned on leaving at nine he promised his mother.

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