No Matter What

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I stared at Sans and Alphys as I waited for them to explain. I was feeling a little better and we were able to clean everything up and put everything away, but Alphys kept this arm-wrap on me.

"It's one of my own inventions. It keeps you steady and checks your heart and blood. If you move it and feel a pinch, that's just the tubes connecting you to the instrument," Alphys explained, with no stutter at all.

Sans sat in his chair and looked at me, handing me a cup of warm spider cider.  "Last night, you and I were sleeping together as usual and around 2 in the morning, you just randomly started to violently twitch and convulse and scream," he said. "You kept yelling out all of our names, asking and begging for us to be okay. You were also calling out phrases telling someone to stop doing something."

'That must've been my dream...' I said to myself.

"I called Alphys over since she has had some experience with nightmares in the past. When she got here, I had moved you to the couch and you were coughing and choking. She took a few tests with your tears and blood and all of that and she simply said that you were having some sort of nightmare."

"B-But not just any n-nightmare..." Alphys joined in. "It was a nightmare in w-which you couldn't w-wake up from unless y-you tried hard to break away..."

I stared in astonishment. "I had to fight my own self to wake up? I.. I didn't even know it was that bad..."

Sans pulled me closer to him. He continued explaining. "We did a few more tests and relieved a fever of yours that had sprung up. I was wondering and waiting forever for you to come back to us. We stayed with you all morning. I wouldn't ever leave your side."

"I... I'm sorry I couldn't see what I had to do," I apologized, holding onto the skeleton. "The Voice of a Thousand Voices told me that I wouldn't be able to run away from myself and I woke up after a bunch of symbols passed my face."

Alphys dropped one of the empty tubes and Sans' eyes grew black.

"T-The Voice of a T-Thousand Voices?!"


The monsters looked at each other, nodded and then gazed back at me. I shivered and trembled.

"D-Did I say something wrong?" I asked, shaking violently.

Sans sat me upright on the back of the couch and he sat next to me. Alphys ran to the kitchen and came back with some sort of device.

"Frisk, calm down, it's going to be okay. We just recognize signs like those. I'll explain later but right now, you need to calm down," Sans said, holding me tight.

Alphys switched on the device which sent a jolt through my body. My breathing became quick and choppy as I tried to gain control over my body. I quickly felt my mind take over and relax.

"Good job, Frisk. Your responses are normal. Sans, she simply needs some rest and lots of water. Stay with each other for the next few days. This nightmare really has had her shook. I'll do a few more tests to make sure she's okay," Alphys said, cautiously removing the arm-wrap and gathered her other tools.

I slowly stood up and balanced as I walked around in a small circle around the room. "Everything is going to be okay now?"

Alphys nodded and Sans stood up. "Thank you, Alphys."

She soon left and it was just me and Sans. We met in front of the TV and we just stared at each other. Awkward.

"Thanks for coming back to us, kiddo," Sans said, holding my hand.

"I'm 18, Sans. You can't call me kiddo!" I smiled as I let him slowly spin me around in a small twirl. "Where's Papyrus?"

"He's out with Undyne, training," Sans said. "By the way, seeing symbols while in a dream meant you found a way into the void. You met with Gaster. He probably found you and helped you get out of there."

I sent a silent thanks to this Gaster. He seemed alright if he bothered to save me from a nightmare.

Sans pulled me into another hug and held onto me. We stood there in an embrace for a while before Sans slowly lifted my chin and gave me a small kiss.  

"I love you, Frisk. No matter what, I won't leave your side."

"No matter what...?" I repeated, thinking back to what the Voices had said and what they meant.

"No matter what," he replied, pulling me back into another kiss, which seemed to sweep away all of my worries.

Bone Dry (Frisk X Sans)Where stories live. Discover now