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"Morning, Frisk."

"Morning, Sans..."

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing just fine, I lied, I'm dying inside."

Sans smiled and nodded toward Papyrus, who was next to him in the kitchen, boiling water for breakfast spaghetti. Papyrus smiled and went back to staring at his water. Sans walked over to the kitchen door, where I was, and gently wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

"Heh, I've got a fun day planned for you. I could tell you were sleeping well, so with everyone's help, I organized a nice little... 'Date' for us," Sans whispered. I felt his teeth kiss my neck.

"Sans... You didn't have to," I mumbled, wrapping my own arms around him. "But... Thank you. Thank you, Sans."

~~~(Time Skip)~~~

After breakfast, Sans gently grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. It wasn't as cold as usual, but that wasn't abnormal. We walked side by side toward the center of Snowdin.

"So, what are we doing?" I asked.

"You'll see," Sans replied, walking into the Shop.

The rabbit-monster-lady, who I nicknamed Miss Cinnabun, saw us and smiled. She reached under her counter and pulled out a box and handed it to me. Sans tossed her 100G.

"There's an open room in the Inn. Go there. My sister will understand. Thank you!" she said, cheerfully handing me a cinnamon bun along with this... box.

Sans nudged me. "Go on. The Inn is right there. Come back outside when you're done."

I walked inside and Miss Cinnabun's sister, Miss Cinnabon, greeted me with a smile. "Here, you can borrow this key."

I walked into the room and opened the box. A beautiful sky blue dress was folded inside. I undressed, then redressed with the dress. It fit, and it looked amazing.

I put my own clothes in the box and left the room. I handed Miss Cinnabon the key, and she responded with a compliment.

I opened the door to Snowdin and Sans stood there, nervously and abnormally wearing a suit.

"Is that why I have this-"


He grabbed my box and summoned a blaster, his eye glowing blue as he did. He whistled and threw the box into the air. The Gaster Blaster leapt and snatched it, consuming the box and then disappearing.

I smiled and Sans gently grabbed my wrist. He led the way past Grillby's and past the Ice Wolf.

"Care for a ride?"

The boat monster, nicknamed Moat by me, was sitting happily on their boat. Sans replied with a yes and pushed me onto the little raft.

"Waterfall will be fine," Sans said, holding onto my hand.

The boat slowly began to move. "Tra-la-la," Moat began to hum. "Aren't you two looking like lovers?"

"So, why? Why now do you take me out?" I ask, staring off into the water.

"Because you've been through a lot. Chara's being nice enough to give us a break. She's run out of energy and will leave us alone for a while," he said simply, resting his head on my shoulder. "You're feeling better, so why not just relax a little? It'll be fun."

~~~(Time Skip)~~~

"Have fun! Tra-la-la," Moat hummed as their boat stood on four legs and scampered off down the river.

We watched them leave before Sans turned around and began walking away. I followed him.

"Hey," he whispered.

"Hi... Where are we going?" I asked.

"Nowhere in particular."

We walked on in silence for a while. Then, at the waterfall, Sans stopped and stared at the water, pouring into a sparkling pool. "I was thinking of us."


"We haven't been able to spend time together like we used to. You have been trying to keep your distance away from all of us, especially me. I wanted some time to spend together," Sans explained, sticking his hand into the cold water.

I pulled him close and kissed him lightly on his teeth. "I'm sorry. It's not me, Sans." I kissed him again. "I try so hard to fight her, Sans." I gave him a third kiss, with this time, he held onto me. "But I'm only human. I haven't got anything."

Sans let go and we walked on. "You've got friends, determination, love, and beauty. Frisk, you're everything. You've changed the lives of almost every monster down here." I nodded.

Silence engulfed us again. We walked passed Temmie village, the Turtle's Quarters, Napstablook's snail farm, and Undyne's house, which was still burning up in flames.

"What do you wanna do when we get home?" Sans asked, walking and staring at the Core's view in the caves.

I just shrugged. "Sleep."

"Sounds good to me..." He said, nudging me.

My mind clouded in realization. "Ugh! Not THAT kind of sleep! I mean as in like going unconscious!"

Sans smirked. "That can be arranged."

I felt my face heat up. "S-Stop it, Sans! I mean... I mean..." I threw my hands to my face in embarrassment.

Sans stopped walking and stood in front of me, pulling my hands away. "Frisk, you know I'm joking. I know what you mean. Napping all night."

I nodded. "Don't embarrass me like that..."

Sans patted my back and began walking once more, with me at his side, hands intwined.

~~~(Time Skip)~~~

"Reservation under... Sans?" Burgerpants said irritatingly.

"That's us," Sans said, still holding my hand.

"Go sit and I'll bring out something to eat."

Once we sat down, Sans spoke. "Remember those years ago when I told you about my promise, and meeting Toriel through the doors?"

"Of course!"

"I haven't broken that promise, and I don't intend to. I'll protect you from what you need to be protected from. I love you, Frisk."

"I love you too, Sans," I whispered.

Burgerpants came out, holding two steaks. He placed one in front of each of us, along with a glass of ketchup for Sans and a glass of water for me.

"Thanks for this, Sans," I thanked.

We ate our meal, talking about the past and love. Then we traveled a long way through the Core, getting lost twice, and into the castle, to where the view of the Core was. Nothing else seemed to matter.

"We should be getting home, Sans. Papyrus will be getting tired," I warned.

"What? It's late? Didn't we leave in the morning?" Sans asked, looking around.

"It took forever to navigate through the caverns and the Core," I pointed out. "I'm tired of walking."

Sans sighed and smiled. He used his magic and picked me up, placing me in his arms. "I'll carry you then."

Somewhere along the way home, since Sans didn't bother to use his shortcuts, I fell asleep. When I woke, I was in a bed, with Sans next to me, sleeping soundly,

"Thank you. I love you. Goodnight," I whispered before laying down to sleep.


The strange monster was no where to be found in the Void. I couldn't move at all. All I could think of was how to hold a knife, ready to dust any monster at any time.

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