My Plan Begins

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The paths of the Caverns were dark and ominous. The glowing mushrooms didn't give off much light. As I walked past the Echo Flowers, they sent blood-chilling whispers of dread and death through my ears.

Back again for more?! You are such an idiot. You can't even DREAM of things other than situations involving me.

A chilly wind passed through the caverns, ruffling my loose blue and magenta sweatshirt.

Haven't you learned? Whenever you dream of me; my face, my voice, my life, I am tossed into it. You keep bringing me back into your dreams.

"Who the hell are you?!" I shout into the darkness, hoping for an answer. But the voice ricocheted off the walls.

Your LOVE is growing. Your DETERMINATION is too. Good is slipping away, leaving the shadows of evil to fill it in.


"Hey kid! Frisk! Wake up!"

I shot up, awake, and stumbled off of the bed, thudding on the floor.

"Uhh, you alright?"

"Yeah, Sans, I'm fine," I replied with sarcasm, standing up and gazing at the skeleton in front of me.

Sans shoved his hands into his blue jacket pockets, shrugged, and kissed me lightly on my cheek.

"Did you have another one of those dreams again?" He asked, remembering the worry from the night before, calling Alphys over to their house.

I nodded and sat on the bed, holding my forehead. Something ached inside my head. Sans stood in front of me and placed his cold hand against it.

"I think those nightmares are affecting your health. I'll get Papy-"

"H-Hey! F-Frisk?!"

I hadn't realized I harshly slapped Sans' hand off of my head. As we recovered from shock, I felt better.

'No... No... Why did I feel okay with that?!' I thought, staring at my hands, which were shaking. My entire body trembled.

"Frisk... It's okay... Calm down," Sans whispered. "I'll go get Papyrus. I'll tell him to make you soup or something. Alphys told us not to leave the house so, text Toriel and tell her your stuck here."

Sans and I have been living together with Papyrus for a few weeks, but I always visit Toriel twice a day, every day. She is my goat mom. Goat mom is best mom.

Sans kissed me again and then left his room, closing the door behind him. I texted Toriel, then I opened the window and breathed the cool air from outside.

Well, wasn't that just sweet?

I gasped at the sudden voice entering the room. I turned from the window and scanned the room. No one was there. "Yeah, I- I guess it was..." I mumbled.

I was talking about the violence, numbskull. It was so beautiful! It proves that my plan is working perfectly. Soon, you'll kill Sans and Papyrus and I'll take their place.

Anger welled up in me and I lost it, yelling at nothing. "Who the hell are you?! Why are you terrorizing me?! What plan?!"

There was no reply, but horrifying laughs echoing in the room. "Why can't I just live a normal life with Sans and my other friends? Is it really so much to ask for?"

I slumped into the corner of Sans' room, burying my face and wrapping my arms around my legs.

Minutes later, Sans opened the door and walked into his room. "Frisk? Pap has some noodle soup ready downstairs... Where are you?"

"O-Over here, Sans..." I called out, still buried in my arms.

Sans walked toward me and picked me up, holding me in his arms as someone would hold a baby.

I told him what happened and he nodded, listening intently.

He placed me down gently into a seat at the table, in front of a steaming bowl of noodle soup. "I'll let Alphys know about this. For now, relax and just eat, okay? My 18 year old Frisk needs her food."

"YES, EAT UP, HUMAN! THERE IS PLENTY SO HELP YOURSELF! EAT AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE!" Papyrus joined in joyfully. Then, the two skeletons walked out of the room, laughing and talking.

Alone with a smile and food, I took the spoon and sipped the soup. The warmth of it smothered my insides, and I was filled with DETERMINATION.

'Determination... Determination... Determination to free myself from that horrible thing,' I thought silently.

Bone Dry (Frisk X Sans)Where stories live. Discover now