Loving A Skeleton

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Run, run, as fast as you can. You can't catch me...

I breathed hard as the caverns twisted and turned in all directions, leading my sprinting legs to somewhere unknown.

...I am the "voice inside your head that tortures you"! Hahaha! Oh, Frisk! You're so much fun to fool around with...

I glanced in all directions. 'Where is that voice coming from?!' I thought. I felt faint, irritating scratching all over myself. Like a dog's claws raking down my body.

... Except the fact that YOU are the fool, Frisk. I swear, you're too nice. You can't be this nice forever. One day...

"Stop it!"

... You'll get sick of all of these monsters and you'll kill them all! You can't control what I have in store for you. You have forgotten me! You think I don't exist! Well guess what?!

I felt my legs buckle underneath and I felt myself fall into the water. My arms and legs were bound behind my back, keeping me underwater. A shadowy, dark, muffled figure appeared right in front of me, a red smile spreading across it's face.

Y o u a r e m i s t a k e n. I w i l l l i v e o n a n d I w i l l-

Within a single second, the darkness of the cavern, the water, that thing; it was all gone. All that I could see was a black space, with no end in sight. I couldn't even tell if my eyes were opened or closed.

Yuo rea sfae nwo, yuong oen.
("You are safe now, young one.")

"W-What?" I asked confusingly at the symbols that floated around me. "What is that saying? What's going on?!"

Rste nwo.
("Rest now.")

Sleepiness tugged at my body as a black and white figure slid away from my frame of reference. "T-Thank you..."

~~~(Time Skip)~~~

I woke up laying beside Sans in his bed,  confused and relieved. I nudged him slightly and he shifted.

"Sans? Sans, wake up?" I asked, nudging him harder.

He shifted again.

"Sans!" I shouted, and he sat up, his pupils dark.

He looked right at me sternly. Then his gaze began to relax and soften. His pupils returned to normal.

"Sans, I had another dream."

~~~(Quick Time Skip)~~~

"I think I know who helped you out, but I'll have to wait to know more. Thank you, Frisk," Sans said, pulling me close to him. "I love you. Every time you wake from a nightmare, I'm just happy that you're still by my side."

"Thank you, Sans.." I replied, laying my head on his chest for a moment before sitting up, sighing, and getting out of his bed.

"Something wrong?"

"I just want to live happily without an anonymous psychopath or two out to kill me or kill any other monster here. Flowey and Chara were bad enough; and now this? It hasn't even been a year since we killed those monsters."

I looked out his window and gazed into Snowdin. The town was cold, dark, and deserted. It must be the middle of the night.

Suddenly, a great force pushed me backward. I felt myself land into Sans' lap. A blush spread across my face as he looked down at me. He sat me up and pressed my back against his shirt-covered ribcage, wrapping his freezing cold arms around my stomach.

"I'm not letting you escape, Frisk," he said as he exposed my soul and covered it in a blue magic. "Heheh... It's been a while since I've made your soul blue."

He hugged and held onto me and rested his head on my shoulder. His cold teeth were pressed against my neck, happily kissing it slightly. His blue tongue slid gently around my neck. I can't move my body itself when he covers my soul like that. Eventually, within a blink of an eye, he was on top of me.

"S-Sans?! W-What are you doing?" I asked timidly.

"Frisk, you've been going through a lot lately. I figured you would want a little bit of time with your boyfriend to relax and be with him," he replied, using two fingers to move my bangs away from my eyes.

"B-But Sans... I don't want to-"

"Heh, we won't be going that far."

I let a sigh of relief escape. I really was not ready for further intercourse. He didn't seem ready either, which is fine with me.

He kissed me lightly at first, gently rubbing my neck. I gently rubbed his ribcage underneath his shirt. He instantly blushed.

"Heh... You know skeletons pretty well, don't you?" he whispered, kissing me more roughly than before.

I shrugged and let him continue. It has been a while since we did anything like this and I was enjoying just being with him with nothing else on my mind.



"I've always wondered what it would be like on the surface. Could you tell me a thing or two about it?" he asked.

"The blue skies and the trees, changing color every autumn... The warm sun, the freezing snow... The animals, what's left of nature," I went on and on about what life was like on the surface. As I talked, Sans listened. He was sitting over me and stroking my head gently.

"That sounds amazing," he said.

"Oh! And the stars... Pretty, shining balls of fire in the night sky. Their constellations, their patterns... It's so beautiful at night," I added, thinking of the darkened sky.

He stopped and climbed off of me, laying down next to me and staring at the ceiling. "I've always wanted to see the stars."

"You will. I promise."

You can't promise anything!

Sans and I sat up at the sound of the Voice of a Thousand Voices. "Y-You hear it now?"

Sans nodded and his eyes went dark. "It's back."

Bone Dry (Frisk X Sans)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin