Lab Party Gone Wild

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"Frisk? Ya ready to go?"
"A-Almost! Don't come in yet!"

I tied a pink bow into the back of my hair and straightened out my blue and magenta dress. I stared into the mirror that Sans had given me a while back. Papyrus, Sans and I were going to a house party at Alphys' Lab, hosted by Mettaton of course.

I stepped out of Sans' room and closed the door behind me. I turned around and bumped right into Sans, making me shrink downward in surprise, blushing.

"Hey, kiddo. You look beautiful," he whispered, grabbing my hand gently and pulling me up. I was still shorter than him... Somehow.

"T-Thank you.." I whispered, leaning my head onto his chest. "I feel overdressed. It's just a house party."

Sans placed his hand on my head, stroking the bow. "You're not overdressed, Frisk. Mettaton said that he and Alphys wanted you to wear this for their party. Don't be embarrassed."

I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged back. We stared at each other for a minute, then walked down the stairs and met up with Papyrus by the door.


"Yep," Sans replied, holding my hand as we walked outside into Snowdin.

Papyrus had insisted on walking there instead of taking one of Sans' short-cuts. Sans and I walked together behind Papyrus through the Caverns.

"It's been a while since you've had those nightmares, ain't it?" He whispered.

"A week and a half."

"At least you're getting more sleep. I care about you more than my pet rock, 'tibia' honest. He may be ready to 'join-t' the other rocks in the forest. I'll keep an eye-socket out for him when I'm at work."

I couldn't help but smile at his jokes. They were sometimes cringy and sometimes hilarious. I couldn't get enough of them.

"I tell you this every-"

"I love ya too, Frisk. I'll be sure that nothing will happen to you. And if anything does, I'll stop them."

He kissed me sweetly and we continued on walking.

~~~(Time Skip through Caverns and Hotland)~~~

"O-oh! I'll g-get it!" Alphys' voice was heard through the front Lab doors.

After a while, she came, thrusting the doors open. "H-Hello!"



"Hi, Alphys!"

She stared at me, searching for something on my face, then turned around. "C-Come on in guys!"

We stepped inside and walked along, passing doors and doorways. Soon, we entered a room with many, many monsters in it. It looked like one of the rooms that Mettaton used for one of his gameshows.

"Hello, darlings! Welcome! Help yourself to any food or beverages over there and you can relax over there. The main dance floor is over that way and of course you know where the bathroom is," Mettaton explained quickly before running off toward a side room.

Alphys thanked us and raced into another side room, leaving the three of us in the main doorway. As I looked around, there were monsters from everywhere here. Froggits were dancing with Moldsmals. Greater Dog and Lesser Dog were sniffing around the food tables and Annoying Dog was being annoying. Doggo was smoking a dog treat by a side room. Temmie was just moving into the DJ spot, while Napstablook moved from the DJ to the couches. He lied on the floor, probably feeling like garbage. There were lots of other monsters too.

"SANS, FRISK. I AM GOING TO FIND UNDYNE. IF YOU NEED ME, CALL ME," Papyrus said to us before walking away, searching for the badass fish lady.

Toriel and Asgore were here too.

"Frisk! Oh, thank goodness that you're okay! Sans said I'd see you here," Toriel said, hugging me tightly. "I've missed you so much! I'm happy that you're safe."

Sans raised his hands. "She's been fine with me-"

Toriel turned on him. "If you do anything to Frisk, take anything precious from her, or harm her, I swear that it'll be YOU who will have a bad time! Understood?"

His white pupils grew small. "Y-yes, of course, Tori! We haven't done anything!" He assured her.

Which was, thankfully, the truth.

After settling in, finding a random screwdriver, and dancing a bit, my horrible headache returned. It pained like a knife stabbing into my skull. I stood up and walked steadily toward the beverage table.

"Is everything alright, Frisk?" Toriel asked, sipping some Golden Flower tea.

"Huh? Oh, yes. I'm just looking for..."


Something was hurting. My soul felt penetrated. In an attempt to expose it, my arm flung and grasped the drink table, gripping it tightly. My breathing became shallow and choppy. Fighting for breath, I reached for a water bottle.

"Frisk! Umm... S-Sans?! P-Papyrus?! Alphys?!" Toriel called for help.

She saw me reach toward the water bottle and grabbed it. "Here! Take-"

Everything went quiet.

Dead quiet.

My bow fell to the floor.

Sans came running in with Alphys at his heels and stopped, gazing fearfully at me.

"F-Frisk... You almost stabbed Toriel with a screwdriver!"

Bone Dry (Frisk X Sans)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ