Almost There

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Ugh, why won't you give up already? You have nothing to lose! You're so stupid that it's tiring me out, Frisk. I'm getting sick in the head just watching you play victim.

"Maybe I wouldn't be fighting you if you left me and the monsters alone. Maybe I wouldn't be fighting you if you stop trying to murder everyone. What does murder get you?" I asked.

It gives me satisfaction and glory. It will free me from one of my ambitions. I want to wipe out all races in this stupid world. Human, plant, animal, monster, all of them! I want them all dead.

"Why? What kind of-"

Shut up, Frisk! I want them dead because of how they treated me! Humans treated me like a pest. A tick on an arm. No one loved me. Even after what great things I did for them. After I came down here to find a better life, I wanted to free the race that made me feel loved. But, Asriel decided not to. And I turned my back on everyone. It's stupid.

"You just want real love, don't you?" I asked sympathetically, staring off into the shadows of the Ruins. "We can help you."

HAH! As if I'll ask help from you. You're my only chance at freeing myself.

"There's another way, Chara."

Tell Sans and Alphys that. They just want to get rid of me. Even if he is your boyfriend, Sans won't leave me be. He won't stop until I'm dead and gone for good.

"I'll convince him that-"

Good luck with that. He won't listen to you. Trust me.


I heard Chara's voice fade away and a new voice entered the hallway.

"My child, who were you talking to?" Toriel asked from behind me. This was real.

"Um... a... f-friend," I stuttered. "I was talking to a friend."

I felt a change in the atmosphere. What was that?!

"Well, finish up the conversation or bring your friend along for dinner. We aren't having lamb chops, but some fresh vegetable stew," she chuckled. "Alphys created these amazing plants and they taste wonderful in a stew! Don't be late!"

Toriel shuffled off, leaving me alone with Chara's presence around me.

Did you... really mean that? Or was it the Merciful Frisk lying to her adoptive mother? Did you just call me your... 'friend'?!

I sighed. "It wasn't the truth, but it wasn't a lie..."

You're foolish to think that I'll ever be your friend, Frisk. No matter how hard you try.

Chara's presence was gone. I sighed again and turned toward the hallway. The voices of my friends rang out from Toriel's home.

I walked inside and Sans greeted me with a peck on the cheek. "Relax, kiddo. You look tense. Toriel is making us some dinner, and by us, I mean you, me, Toriel, Papyrus, Asgore, Alphys, Undyne, basically all of our friends."

"Thanks, Sans..." I mumbled, sitting down at the table.

"What's wrong?"

"I tried negotiating with her but..."

"Frisk, Chara isn't one to negotiate with. She will do anything and everything to kill and wipe out the Underground. Props for trying though."

"Thanks, Sans..." I mumbled again.

Sans hugged me from behind and whispered something I couldn't make out, then walked out of the room to where everyone else was. Something felt wrong, I couldn't tell what.

Bone Dry (Frisk X Sans)Where stories live. Discover now