Chapter Two

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm, signaling that I need to get ready for school. On my nightstand there's a note addressed to me. It says:
I'm sorry that I left without telling you, I had some business to attend to down at one of my clubs. I'll be home around 5:00. You're homework had better be finished by then.
I love you babydoll.
I hate when he leaves without saying goodbye. What if he gets killed this time and I didn't get to say goodbye? I would never forgive myself.
I'm sure he'll be fine, he hardly ever gets hurt while working. With that thought in mind, I trudge to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I wash myself quickly, soon stepping out and drying myself. I wrap my towel around my body and walk back to my room. I pull out a pair of black jeans and a light blue t-shirt. I get dressed in outfit, looking at myself in my mirror. This outfit will do for today. I walk back into my bathroom and blow dry my long blonde hair. I pull my hair up into a quick ponytail so that I can do my makeup. Daddy hates when I wear makeup because I'm "so beautiful naturally", but I prefer to cover my blemishes and such. I apply foundation, mascara, and some clear lip gloss. I untie my hair and brush it, deciding to leave it down. I run back to my room and slip on a pair of socks and my high top black vans. After taking one last look in the mirror, I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I look at my phone and realize that I have to leave now if I want to make it to school on time. I quickly grab an apple and my backpack and run out the door. After a 30 minute walk, I arrive at the front of my school. Gotham High. I walk through the sliding glass doors and prepare myself for another long school day.
School passes by rather uneventfully. That is, until the very end of the day. I'm grabbing my things from my locker when I feel hot breathe on the back of my neck. I turn around and see Drake, one of the always-horny-and-flirting jocks. I roll my eyes and turn back to my locker. I may not be exactly like my dad, but i sure inherited his sass. A hand on my shoulder turns me back around. "Hello beautiful. I was thinking, maybe you'd like to come by my place tonight and we can have some fun..." I laugh in his face. "Honestly, Id rather go home and drink bleach than sleep with you." His face shows a look of shock, soon changing to anger. "You're a no good slut!" He yells as he hits me hard across the face. He pushes me against the lockers and walks away angrily, leaving me standing there, shocked. I quickly grab my things and run home, trying to avoid the embarrassment i felt in that moment. I throw open my front door and run up to my room, finally safe from the outside world. I put my backpack down by my desk and pull out my homework, ready to distract my mind.
I hear the front door open. "Daddy's home!" I hear my fathers familiar voice yell. I jump out of my seat and run down the stairs to meet him. As soon as he sees me, his smile falls and his face turns to an expression of pure anger. I was confused until I realized that he was looking at my right cheek.

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