Chapter Six

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"Oh darling, I'm so sorry. I'm not going to hurt you." "How can I believe you? Just...just stay away from me!" Ace turned around quickly and ran out the door, slamming it shut in the process. The Joker screamed out "Ace! Baby! Please don't leave me!" He fell to his knees in anguish. "You're all I have left" he whispered.
His head hung low and his vision blurred. His head began spinning and it was as if he couldn't process that all of this was real. This must be a dream, he thought. He thought wrong. By the time his mind cleared and he ran out the door to find his baby girl, she was long gone. "Damn it!" As he was walking down the street to find his daughter, he stopped. "She just needs some space. She'll come back soon." he thought. "It's all your fault, you know. You hit your own child. She hates you" the voice in his head hissed. He grabbed his bright green hair and pulled hard, trying his best to stop the voices. He ran back into his house and slammed the door, screaming as loudly as he could. He walked to his bathroom, looking at his broken figure in the mirror. He is nothing without his beautiful Ace. He opened his medicine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of pills  that he only takes when he gets like this and needs to calm down. They make him fall asleep within minutes. He can sleep the time away. When he wakes, Ace will be back by his side. At least, that's what he thought. He takes out two pills and puts them in his mouth, swallowing them along with a bit of water. He stumbled to his bedroom, falling onto his bed. "I'm sorry Ace" he whispered before falling into unconsciousness.
This is now in Ace's point of view.

My eyes flutter open to reveal and cold, dark room. My heart rate quickens. I don't know where I am. I try to run to the nearby door, but Im restrained by a rope tying my wrists behind my back and to a pole in the room. I slide to the ground, desperately trying to remember how i got here. My thoughts are interrupted by the door slamming open, revealing a tall, muscular man. He was generally attractive, except for one thing. Half of his face was melted off. I think I've heard my father talk about him before. What could he possibly want from me?
"Ace, darling. I'm so glad you've woken up. I thought I might have killed ya. We wouldn't want that, now would we? Not yet anyways." He walked forward towards me. I tried to lean scoot back as far as I could, but my back hit the pole. He grabbed my chin roughly. "You are truly beautiful, baby. No wonder J kept you hidden away all these years." I feel his hot breath on my face and I shudder visibly. He chuckles. "What, darling? Do I frighten you?" I look down. He slaps me hard across my face. "I believe that I asked you a question. I suggest you answer it." "Y-yes." "In this house, you will address me as sir. Understand?" "Yes." "Yes what?" "Y-yes sir." He smiled widely. "That's better." He turns to leave. "Why am I here?" I yell out. He turns to me, chuckling. "You see, you're father has stolen from me. Quite a bit, actually. About 5.3 million dollars. That simply won't do. He stole what was important to me, so I stole what is important to him. As a matter of fact, we should bring his attention to this now." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a phone. He quickly dials a number and lets it ring. "Hello? J?" How did he track down his number? This is not good. "Who I am isn't important. Now, I have a question for you. Do you value your daughters life?" I hear my Dad begin to yell loudly through the phone. "J, I hardly think that you're in the position to be yelling at me. I'm hurt. Naturally, that means that I need to hurt you in return. Oh Ace darling!" My eyes widen in fear. Now I understand why he needs me. I hear my dad yell "No!" through the phone, but i know it won't do any good. "Lets have some fun, shall we?" I shake my head no, but he just laughs. He pulls out a knife and I gasp. My father is screaming, but it's no use. Two Face steps forward and places the blade on my left cheek. "What a beautiful face. It sure would be a shame if something were to happen to it." With that, he pressed down quickly, dragging it across my cheek, leaving behind a long cut from my cheekbone to my jawline. I scream out in agony, causing my father to practically explode. I begin crying loudly. Two Face brings the phone back up to his ear. "J, you aren't getting your precious daughter back. You stole something of mine, so now I stole something of yours. It's only fair." He hangs up the phone, turning to me with a grin. "Ace, how about we play a game?" He pulls out a coin. "If it lands on heads, Ill leave you alone. If it lands on tails, then I get to have as much fun with you as I want." He flips the coin. It lands on his hand and he looks at the result. Im practically sweating from the tension. He leans close to my ear and whispers,"Well I guess today is my lucky day. I'm going to have so much fun with you darling.."

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