Chapter Eight

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*Time Skip Ahead 3 Months*
The door slams shut and i exhale, relieved. The past months have been unbearable. My body has been beaten, used, and utterly destroyed. I used to cry every time he would hit me or use my body. Now, I just close my eyes and wait for him to leave. I guess you could say I've gotten used to the pain. My stomach has stopped growling so fervently. It has realized that it won't be receiving food anytime soon.

I gave up hope. I know now that my father doesn't want me. He would have found me by now. He's forgotten about me. If I were him, I wouldn't want me either.


The Joker ran forward grabbing onto the cage which he was held in, begging to be let go so he could find his child.
He had been caught and taken to Arkham.
That day, he had been driving through the streets of Gotham quickly, for he had discovered where his daughter was. As he was about to take a right turn, a car slammed into him from the side, sending him skidding into a building. He was relatively unharmed, but he knew he had to run away so that he could find his baby. He emerged from the rubble, ready to run, when he was tackled to the ground by no other than Batman. He tried to reason, but who would reason with a sadistic criminal like him?

That's how he landed in Arkham. He knew that he had to find a way to escape and soon. He knew that the creep who took her was torturing her, and it absolutely killed him. So he devised a plan. Tonight would be the night he escaped.

J ran from the asylum. He ran as quickly as he could. He ran all the way back to his home. He wanted to get to his daughter now, but he knew that he had to wait until the right time. He decided that he would go and get her tomorrow night. Until then, he planned relentlessly, never stopping once to eat or sleep. This had to go perfectly. He alerted all of his goons of the plan. He needed as much backup as he could get. He organized the attack plan and the weapons needed. Now he just had to wait, which is the hardest part.

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