Chapter Nineteen

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I groaned audibly when I heard the one word that I despise more than any other.


I stride over to her quickly, backing her against the wall.

"Harley, what in the hell are you doing to our child?" I growled, not hiding the complete disgust and venom in my voice.

She just giggled, prompting me to hit her across the face. She looked up at me with a sinister smirk.

" I wouldn't do that if i were you. After all, it's three against one."

I immediately felt a sharp pain in my thigh. I turn to see a young boy holding a knife and visibly shaking.

"You little shit, you stabbed me!"

Then I hear my beautiful girls soft yet pained voice.

"Griff....why ?"

My head snaps to face Ace, just know taking in the truly twisted nature of this encounter.

"You know him?"

A tear runs down her cheek.

"I thought i did. he was supposed to break me out, to save me."

"Well it's a good thing you have me then baby girl. "

With that i immediately turn around and punch Griff hard, grabbing his knife from him as he stumbles back.

Only then do I notice the third person present. A person whom I never wanted to see with my daughter again. He pulls out a gun with a smirk, pointing it at Ace.

"Stab me and Ill shoot her. Your choice J".

The anger that had previously overwhelmed me now had vanished as I looked down the barrel of the gun at my daughter. she was faint, covered in blood, yet the look of fear in her eyes was impossible to be missed.

"So, what's it gonna be J?"

With only a second of hesitation, I lunge forward and shove the knife through his chest, immediately hearing the dreaded sound of a firing gun.

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