Chapter Nine

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*Third Person*
The Joker pulled out his walkie talkie and whispered into it "Alright, let's move out. We don't have much time and this has to go perfectly." The goon on the other end whispered back "Yes sir". The Joker slammed his foot on the gas pedal of his purple Lamborghini . He was almost positive that he had found where Ace had been held captive. He had researched and planned for weeks. Now was the time to put the plan in action.
He pulled up to the warehouse that he was looking for. J just knew that his baby had to be here. The goons soon pulled up around him. They all got out of their vehicles and circled around Mr. J. "Okay everyone, this is the most important mission of your life. Because if you fail, I will end your life. Understand?" They all nodded yes. "Then lets do this." The goons run off to their different locations, blocking every exit. J and two goons walk through the door in front of them, quietly with guns in hands. The walk silently through the different corridors of the building, looking for any sign of his daughter. Then they hear laughing. A man's laugh. Before they can turn back and look for another way, they hear "J! Long time no see, eh?" J turned on his heel to see Two Face. "Listen Two Face, I know you have my kid. So I suggest that you give her back to me, or we're going to have a lot of trouble." Two Face laughs again. "J, I wouldn't be giving me orders when your daughters life is at stake." "Where is she? She's here, take me to her." Two Face smirks. "What? Take me to her." "There's only one problem with that." I growl. "What would that problem be?" "She's not here."

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