Chapter Fifteen

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Third Person

Ace and her father were walking home, hand in hand, when a figure jumped down in front of them, startling the pair. Before he could decipher what was happening, J was struck harshly across the face. He yelled out, bringing his hand to his now swelling cheek. He looked up and saw no other than Batman standing right before him. He normally would have laughed at his action, but something was different with this confrontation. He had to protect Ace. So J fought back for once. He swung back twice as hard, straight into Batman's jaw. "Listen J. Just let the girl go." J chuckled. "Did you ever think about the possibility that she doesn't want to go with you? Shocking, I know." Batman' eyes widened, truly thinking through the statement. He kneeled down in front of Ace and whispered in her ear,"Sweetheart, do you want this awful man to let you go? I can help you now. I'm a good guy." Ace stepped back and gasped. "How dare you talk about my father like that. Of course I want to stay with him. You're not a good guy, you're a monster." J could see that Batman was preparing to lunge and both of them, seeing as they were connected and J was the most wanted criminal in Gotham. "Ace, run!" The pair began sprinting as fast as they could away from the bat. They were far ahead of him. J knew it couldn't be that easy though. As he was thinking this, he heard a gunshot. He braced himself, expecting  excruciating pain, but it never came. Instead he heard a high pitched scream come from next to him, and then a thud as a body hit the ground. J turned over his shoulder in time to see his daughter, covered in blood from a wound in her right leg. The worst part was that she was being carried away by a quick-moving Batman. J turned around and ran as fast as he could towards Ace, but he knew it was no use. Batman had already placed Ace in his Batmobile and they were long gone. J had lost her again, and he hated himself for it.

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