Chapter 7 || The Father Strikes

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  • Dedicated to All the boys from The Outsiders and S.E.Hinton

( Soda's POV )

It is now Tuesday. Ponyboy left for school with Two-Bit a couple hours ago and Darry is at work, as am I. I work at the DX Garage with Steve. I work full time and he works half time. I love working here because we constantly have good business and the money is decent.

It has been 2 days since i last saw Elizabeth. She goes to high school and she has been pretty busy i guess. I tried calling but some other girl answered. I asked for Elizabeth and then the phone was thrown into the holder. I just shrugged it off... the first time.

I was sitting at the counter when the door slammed open. I turned around urgently. It was Elizabeth! I got up and ran to her. I bear hugged her, but she didn't hug back. I pulled away and looking deep into her face. Something's up. Her eyes were red and puffy, her nose was red and tears were streaming down her face.

"Elizabeth, baby, what's wrong?'' I asked.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me. Steve stood next to me and had a concerned look on his face. Elizabeth bent her head down abit and cupped her face. I sat her down on a stool and consoled her. Steve walked behind the counter to the register but he let out a loud gasp.

"Soda, her neck..." He pointed to Elizabeth's neck.

I moved some hair out of the way and looked at her neck with wild eyes. There was a large bloody gash straght acros the back of her neck, along with what seemed to be rope burns.

"Elizabeth. What the hell happened to your neck?" I whispered urgently.

"M-my dad..." She cried through tears rushing down her puffy, bruised face.

"What did he do?" Steve wiped her face off with a rag and patted her on the back.

"He threw a r-rope around my neck and he- he drug me around the house. He beat my sister. She ran away, but I think sh-she lost the baby."

My mouth fell open immediately. I started to cry softly, but i didn't want to scare her so i just kept it silent.

"Steve, watch Elizabeth. I'll be back later."

"Soda, what about the warden?" He called.

"Tell him i took my break early."

My teeth were clenched and my fists were jammed in my pockets. I was making my way down the street to Elizabeth's house. I kept remembering her face. Her beautiful face looking puffy and red. I just wanted to hold her all day long. She was so amazing and that man whom she calls her father mutilated her neck like that. That man is gonna wish he never laid a finger on Elizabeth. It feels as if I'm in one of those movies. You know, the ones where the girl is protected by her guy and he acts as if he runs her.

Wait... Am I being overprotective?

"AAAAAAH!" i yelled, kicking a Pepsi bottle at the street post. It smashed into smitherines, but i didn't give a shit.

I approached Elizabeth's house and walked through the gate. I busted open the door. He had a chair blocking it.

Fucking dumbass. I marched into the entry way and saw the miserable sonofabitch laying on the couch. He saw me and got up. He placed his beer down. Something just so happened to catch my eye. It was a noose with blood stains all over it.

"Who the fuck are you?" Elizabeth's dad yelled at me.

"I'm Sodapop Curtis." I said with confidence. "Why the actual fuck did you have to beat Elizabeth like that?"

He took a swig outta his beer and placed it back down. "Listen here you bastard, pepsipop. You get the hell outta my house before i call the damn police."

I laughed. "Well I don't think i'd be the one goin' to jail, mind you i didn't beat my daughter. Hence the fact i don't have one."

He finished off his beer. He smashed the bottle off the coffee table and held it close to me.

"Get the fuck out." He said through gritted teeth.

"Man, you have bad breath. Ever hear of Mentos?" I slapped the bottle outta his hand and grabbed his arm. I bent him around but he turned and bashed me in the cheek.

"For an old hypocrite you sure can pack a punch!" I yelled.

His body slammed me onto the floor. I punched his gut repeatedly, but he made no sudden flinching.

"My business is not you problem!" He spit at me.

"But your daughter is my business!" I said, wolloping him upside the jaw. He stared at me and punched my stomach.

"Oh you leave that whorebag outta this!"

That was the last straw. I smashed my fist on his jaw so hard. He fell backwards into the table. He was outcold.

I ran into the kitchen. I found the phone and dialed 911. The operator listened to me rant on about exactly what happened. She said the police were already on their way. I sat down and waited. I looked at the clock. It was only going on for eight o'clock. My knuckles were bleeding and bruised, and my lungs were pumping away.

The police showed up at eight thirty. They questioned me abit and gladly took the fat bastard away to a holding cell.

Fifteen minutes later, I marched back up to the garage where I found Steve drinking a Pepsi and Elizabeth reading the paper. They were talking until I walked in when they saw me.

"Soda buddy! Why are you all cut up and bruised?"

I explained everything to Steve and Elizabeth in great depth. Elizabeth's eyes lit up. She gave me a big grin and hugged me tight.

"I love you Sodapop." she whispered.

Steve backed away winking at me. I tightened the hug.

"I love you Elizabeth. I love you."

She looked into my eyes and at that moment, i actually cared about a girl. Like cared so much that i would do anything for her.

I kissed her softly. She kissed me back.

"I really do."

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