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     The wind seemed to blow from all directions as she bounded through the trees. She could feel it whipping her hair around, the brisk air hitting her scalp. It was unusually windy, as if a tropical storm were on it's way. Of course, the fact she was running head into it wasn't helping.
     With the rustling of branches behind her, she grinned as she ran away from the man chasing her. It wasn't long before she hit something, bumping her head on it as she was turning around. Bouncing off of it as if it were a trampoline, she fell to the ground with a thump. As she flopped onto her back, she felt a presence walk around her 'lifeless' body.
She could hear the rustling of their clothes as the person sat down next to her before playing with her hair. Smiling to herself, she turned over to look at the person. "You ready to do this?"
Smile falling from her face, she blinked at what the man said before nodding. "What other choice do we have? It's the right thing to do..."
"Since when did you start caring about doing the right thing?" He bitterly chuckled.
Sitting up, she placed her hand on his hand. Moving it from her hair, she hesitated before speaking. "I know you're scared. I am too. But for the safety of everyone...for the safety of the world, he needs to be gone for good. We can't risk him finding you."
      "...And what about you? What's gonna happen if you fail?"
     She glanced at the male before looking at the ground. "I...I won't..."


     "I know you're out here! There's no point in hiding! I want to talk to you."
      A few minutes passed before she saw a figure gait out of the surrounding foliage. "We don't have time to talk anymore."
She turned towards the hooded man. "There's no more time for passive speaking. We need action...we need-"
"I want you to take me to him." She cut the man off.
A masked man  jumped down beside his friend. "Are you sure about that?"
     She hastily nodded. "I need to speak with him."
     A voice came from behind her. "I think it's a trap."
     "No dur, Sherlock. Why else would she willingly volunteer to go see someone she hates?"
"No, this isn't a trap! I need to speak to him. Look, I'll...I'll," she looked each of them in the eye before glaring at the ground, "I'll let you take me unconscious. I won't be able to do anything..."
There was a long period of silence as the three boys seemed to be having a silently communicating. After far too long, the goggled man finally spoke up. "I think...we think that we can trust what you say...but, we'll only do it if you do something for us."
Mulling it over her head, she looked the man in the ey-goggles before cutely tilting her head. "What exactly must I do?"


     He was definitely losing his mind now. Just the thought of her being in that building gave him shivers. And the fact that he had no way of monitoring her made him frown even more. But it wasn't like he could do anything about it. Staring at the wall, he could feel his mind race at lightning speed. She'll come back alive. She promised.
He shook his head as his sight went the ground. Who am I kidding? She would never say something like that. She would never promise something she couldn't control.
He wanted her back home with him so badly, but there wasn't anything he could do.


The couple laid there, looking at the night sky. They couldn't remember the last time they did that, but it didn't matter now. At least, not to Michael. "Look! It's Hydra!" The girl exclaimed, pointing to the beautiful constellation.
When she looked over at her friend, she realized he had been staring at her the whole time. Blushing, she frowned at him. "Can't you just...can we just focus on the stars?" Her voice sounded heavier that the boy's heart was.
The corner of his mouth twitched a little as he threw on a poker face. "Why would I want to look at the sky when the most beautiful star is laying next to me?"
Giggling, the girl rolled over to face him. "That was way to cheesey."
"That's why I said it."
Grinning, she moved into the boy, laying her head on his chest as she looked back up into the sky.
"Can you...promise me something?"
The crack in his voice told it all. Looking up at him, she could see the tears rush down his face, scurrying to get to the moist earth underneath them. She whispered out a "What?", looking at him sympathetically.
      "Can you promise me-please reassure me-that you'll come back, alive?"
      A sigh came out her mouth as she sat up. "You know I can't do that..."
     "Yes, you can."


     "I shouldn't have let her go."


     "I'm not letting you leave me!" His shout resonated through the walls of the house.
     "It's not you choice, you hear me? It's mine!" She yelled back.
     He roughly grabbed her wrist. "You're not going anywhere!"
     She yanked her arm out of his grip. "You're not my dad!"
     She pushed past him to the front door, but before she could take a step closer, he pulled her back by the waist. She could feel his racing heartbeat above her left shoulder blade. "I'm sorry, I just..."
"I understand. You don't want to lose me again, and-believe me when I say I don't any to lose you either, but this has to be done. I know you want to deny that, pretend like what I'm saying is complete hogwash, but you must realize that I'm not just sacrificing my life for you. I'm sacrificing it for every living soul that inhabits this world. Every memory that engrained itself into people's minds. Every dead body  that left an impact, no matter how small, on this world."


"I have the leaves, sir."

"Thank you. Just leave them on my desk. I'll put them up later."

Bowing, the boy began to the door. Setting his hand on the cool metal, he started to turn the handle before hesitating. "Do you think this'll work?"

The man behind the desk halted his current task, looking up at the being a ways before him. "It's definitely risky, seeing as its forbidden and all, but if all goes well, everything should be fine."

"...and if they don't?"

"Don't worry, I'll be prepared. I've got a back up plan."

"If you say so, sir."

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