Chapter 2: Detention

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Joey's POV

I looked up and saw the principle standing in front of me. I turned red from embarrassment which quickly changed into fear. I couldn't move anymore. I was stuck on top of Sawyer with my first close to his face. Suddenly Sawyer pushed me off and stood up. I slowly got up and clenched back waiting for the principle to speak.

Joey: I could explain. It isn't what it looks like.

Principle: Mr. Joseph Graceffa, this is how you act? I am disappointed in you. I know there may be a week of school left but this is unacceptable. You two will receive punishment. Follow me into my office.

I looked at Sawyer and he stood there quietly. Typical. Sawyer didn't care if he got in trouble but I do. We followed the principle into his office and there was a dead silence.

Principle: Joey, I could have you suspended for this. On some terms you can even get expelled.

I began to tear up. I was sobbing and my eyes were covered in tears. I looked down and my hands were shaking.

Principle: However, knowing you, this wasn't all your fault. I trust that you won't do this again.

When I heard this, I was so happy. I wiped the tears from my eyes and cleaned my glasses so I can put them back on.

Joey: Thank you so much. You won't regret th...

Principle: Let me finish. You and Sawyer still need to be punished. You will have detention until the last day of school.

I might have gotten detention but I was relieved. Me and Sawyer stood up and the principle allowed us to leave. We both stood outside the principle's office and walked into different directions. I guess Sawyer didn't want to talk about it.

Sawyer's POV

I can't believe I have detention until the last day of school. I'd rather be playing football with my friends. Speaking of friends, none of them messaged me about what had happened to me.

I looked at my phone and was disappointed. Maybe they just forgot. I'm just glad my mom didn't find out though. She has enough to worry about already.

I can't believe she is actually divorcing my father. I thought we were a happy family. I sighed and continued to walk home. I jumped into bed and fell asleep.

Once again, I was woken up my my alarm. I can't believe I slept for so long. I got out of bed and rushed to go to school, I didn't need to give the principle anymore reasons to get on his bad side.

School was fine but I was surprised no one brought the topic about how I was doing. It really hurt and I began to think that they just didn't care. The final bell rang and I was ready to go home but I remembered that I had detention.

I saw that Joseph was early for detention. I chuckled and he turned around and smiled at me. I was surprised that no one else was in detention with us. I was sure that other kids would do something that would get them in trouble.

I was wrong. It was just me and Joseph alone in detention for the entire week. None of us talked and there was only a dead silence between us.

Joey's POV

It was the last day of school and I was relieved. School was torture. Everyone was excited to leave at 3 but I had detention. The school was quiet, even the teachers had left. The principle walked towards me and I saw Sawyer was with him. He put us in his office and left like he usually does. I had enough of this silence. I needed to say a few things to Sawyer.

Joey: Sawyer? I need to talk to you.

Sawyer: About what?

Joey: Why don't we talk anymore.

There was a dead silence. I needed to hear what Sawyer had to say. It was urgent. I had so many questions to ask him and not enough answers.

Sawyer: I can't be seen with you Joey. I'll be bullied and teased like you usually do.

Joey: I thought that we were friends.We grew up togther and we spent every miniute together. I thoguht that you liked me. Saywer, I love you!

Sawyer was getting mad at me. The more I tried to talk to him, the more he tried to avoid my questions.

Joey: Can we be friends again?

Sawyer stood up from his chair and looked down at me. He was furious. I didn't know why. He began to tear up and began screaming at me.

Sawyer: No! Don't you understand. I worked hard to be quarterback. I'm the first freshman to actually do it. I can't be seen witha a gay faggot like you! If you get rid of that gay haircut and change everything about yourself, then maybe we could be friends. Let me make one thing clear, I don't like guys. Undersrood! Whatever you think we had, it was just in your head.

I can't believe Sawyer said that. I admitted to him that I was gay, and I liked him but this is how he acts. I thought that we had something.

The old Sawyer was gone, the Sawyer that I loved. I was beggining to cry so I ran out of the room. I didn't care if I got got in trouble. It is true what they say. Freshman year sucks.

I ran home and cried into my pillow. After a while, I realized that if Sawyer moved on, I had to as well. I had to do something about it. It was time for a change.

Summer was here, and alot could happen to a person over the did with Sawyer. I walked to the barber shop. If I wanted a new start, there needed to be a new me.

Barber: Hello Joseph. Long time, no see. What would it be today, just a trim?

Joey: Call me Joey from now on. I want a new look, cut it off. Cut it all off. Make my hair stand up, I'm tired of this emo haircut.

Barber: Are you sure? Josp... I mean Joey.

Joey: I'm sure!

Next year, will be different... I could feel it. I'm not Joseph anymore. I'm Joey Graceffa.

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