Chapter 19: Secret Out

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Sawyer’s POV

“Joey!” I yelled. Joey ran into my room and tried shutting the door. I used all the force that I could to keep the door open. “Sawyer!” Joey screamed. “Common Joey” I said.

I could hear Joey laughing and I pushed forward with whatever force I still had. Joey finally gave up and jumped on top the bed.

“Sawyer, don’t. No!” Joey yelled.  I dropped the bucket of water on top of him. “Ahh” I heard him scream. I laughed and he gave me a glare. I knew he was mad at me. Suddenly, Joey's eyes widen.

He had an idea.

“What are you thinking there Joey” I asked. “You got your bed wet” Joey said. “That’s what you get for throwing water balloons at me” I responded.

Joey got up from the bed and came closer to me.  His lips were close to mine. He was so tempting.  “Too bad. I had some fun stuff planed for later” Joey whispered.

I blushed and before I could day anything else, Joey kissed me. He pulled away before I could kiss back. “You’re so cute when you blush soy-sauce” Joey said.  Joey got his phone and his wallet and was heading for the door. “Where are you going” I asked, before Joey left.

“I’m going out” Joey responded. He stepped closer and whispered into me ear “Hopefully your bed will be dry when I get back”

Joey left the house and shut the door. “Oh boy!”  I said as I looked down.

Joey had changed recently. His confidence, his bravery, his determination were at an all-time high. It was quite a turn on. I was worried by it a little bit but I assumed it was just a phase.

Joey’s POV

I was waiting at the doctor’s office. I looked over at the other people also waiting. The hospital had this bad vibe that I had always hated. When I looked at these people, I felt even more depressed. Only God knew what their problems were.

These people could be suffering a fate worse than mine. Finally, the nurse called my name up. I looked behind me as I left behind those sad faces who have been waiting for hours already since I got there.

The doctor told me to visit him every week to check up on my progress.  I’ve been trying to keep it secret by leaving the house coincidently. It’s only a matter of time that Sawyer gets suspicious.

“How are you doing?” the doctor asked. He asked me a couple of questions. They were the same every week. “I think you need to see me tomorrow Joey” he said. I understood. I nodded and finally left the office.

It was dark. I knew Sawyer would be worried. I decided to buy him a gift. Buying Sawyer was gift was I way I used to avoid telling him the truth because he would be too busy admiring it and thanking me for it.

Sawyer’s POV

It was 11 p.m. and Joey still wasn’t home. I was waiting in the sofa for him in the dark. The dark always helped me think more clearly. Now, it wasn’t doing me any good.  I kept on think of all the reasons of why Joey might be late. The first thing that always crossed my mind was that Joey was cheating on me.

I heard Joey open the door. I guess he thought that I was asleep because he din't bother to call out my name. I could see him walking into the living room where I was in.

I could overhear him talking on the phone. “I know. I remember. Yeah, tomorrow then. I’ll try to get there by 7. I just don’t want Sawyer to find out” I heard Joey say. 

Jealously was building up inside of me and thus rage. I turned on the light and Joey looked across the room to the disgust on my face. He hung and immediately said “I can explain.”

“Don’t want Sawyer to find out? To find put that you’re cheating on me. How could you?” I yelled out at Joey. Every time Joey tried to talk I kept on interrupting him.

“I can’t believe you’re cheating on him. I loved you. I wanted to be with you.” I cried. “Loved?” Joey said. “I-I don’t think I can do it. I don’t think I can forgive you” I said.

I sat down in the floor and went into tears. Joey came closer to me and it was the last thing I wanted right now. “Sawyer, I have lead poisoning” he said.

A tear ran down my cheek. It wasn’t mine though. It was Joey’s.



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