Cigarettes and loneliness

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Day 5
Heath's POV
     I woke up and she wasn't there. She couldn't have gone far but still I was worried. I walked around the house looking for her and she wasn't there. I went out front maybe she was smoking. Thank god she was out there. I had no idea where else she would have been. I grabbed a cigarette from her pack and she lit it for me. She was there but her mind was somewhere else.
"You okay?"
Ivy responds, "Yeah, I'm okay. I just had a nightmare so I wanted to get some air."
There was a long pause where we both just smoked our cigarettes. "I think I'm going to start YouTube again. I miss it. Also can we go to the hospital today?"

The past few days she's been so close to getting out of the car to get help. Yesterday she even went up to the door. I'm so proud that something pushed her to finally get out of the car. Maybe today she will make it inside.

I got dressed and charged my phone. When we got to the car she wanted to drive so I let her. She was in such a weird mood. I played some old school hip-hop music because that shits lit. When we got there she put the car in park and we put our phones in the glove box and locked it. We talked for a while and then she finally got out. I followed her and stood a fair distance away from her. She just stood there with her hand on the door. I walked up next to her and grabbed her hand. She walked in and checked herself into the behavioral hospital. I brought her things that the hospital allowed her to have. I brought some of my sweatshirts so that when she slept she wouldn't feel alone.

Ivy's POV
I never thought I would do this to myself. It'll all pay off in the end though. The psychiatrist said that I have depression, anxiety, insomnia, and suicidal tendencies I'm taking 3 different meds 2 times a day.

The medicine that they gave me first made me more depressed. The 2nd made me a zombie . The third I was allergic to. But they finally got it right. They let me smoke in the mornings. But I don't think smoking really helps me anymore. I think I'll quit soon. Heath is allowed to visit at lunch time and we usually go to the garden and talk. Of course the nurses always have their eyes on us making sure he doesn't give me a blade or drugs.
I love him a lot.

I cannot wait to get out of this place. It has been a week. Everyone here is so nice. My roommate Violate is anorexic she been there for 3 months. She's 17 and this is her second time being admitted. We aren't necessarily allowed to exchange personal information but I wrote my phone number down for her for when her and I both get out.

Day 20

Heath's POV

It is hard with out her. I can't let her know that though. I miss her and that she can know.

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