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Christmas (day 70)

Ivy's POV

I called Gabbie because she was the only person I could of that would care about me. 

"Hello...You've reached Gabbie please leave a message and I'll try to get back to you...but probably not haha. (beep)" I heard the phone go to voicemail and broke down in sobs and slid my phone across the room. 

I laid on my side in fetal position, with a blade in my hands,and heard banging at my door. The banging startled me. But then I heard a voice that was all to familiar in all the wrong ways.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to get you anything?" I winced at the sound of his voice and how it made me feel so vulnerable. 

"Elton, Get the fuck away from her room. I pretty sure that if she is hurting right now the one person she would want to talk to is me, her motherfucking boyfriend!" I hear Heath yell and push Elton into a wall so hard he falls to the ground.

I cry even more because Elton will never feel the pain I felt when he raped me. I can't breathe and the room around me was closing in.  Before everything goes dark my chest goes heavy and I see Heath bust the lock off of the door. 

Heath's POV

Something came over me. I know Elton hurt her because no one else was here with her. My ears were hot and Elton kept pacing around mumbling under his breath. I lost my cool when he went over to her door asking her if she needed anything. Adrenaline in me wanted to get her before she did something she would regret. I pushed Elton into the wall. 

When I went to open the door it was locked. "Damn, the landlord is going to hate me for this one." I think to myself as I break the lock on the door and bust the door open. I see her laying in the  corner. I took off my shirt and applied pressure to the deep cut on her wrist. She was trying to kill herself. "NOT TODAY! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DIE ON ME TODAY!"I grabbed her phone while still applying pressure to her wrist. The ambulance arrived pretty quick but she lost so much blood. I couldn't ride with them so I grabbed some things and packed to go to the hospital. On the ride to the hospital I couldn't help but think of all the worst things that the doctors could tell me when I got there. I called her dad because he deserved to know how his daughter was doing; especially since they were just starting to get back in touch.

     When I got to the hospital she was in surgery and they said it would be a while because they would have to sew her up and then check her blood levels and brain activity. I sat in the waiting room into they allowed me to go into her room. She had lost a lot of blood and her lungs were so weak she couldn't breathe on her own. She was hooked up to all these machines. It was so hard to see her like this. 

"She is in a coma. She can hear you. just know that as long as she stays healthy she could stay like this for a month to year, however you do need to start making plans on what you'll do with her body if she does not make it." The doctor told me as we stood in the room.

"I know you'll get through this baby." I say as I kiss her forehead. I sit by her bed side and make calls to everyone closest to her to tell them she is in the hospital. David says he'll be flying down tomorrow to accompany her and I. I talked her mom to let her know that Ivy was in the hospital. When I got on the phone with her, She yelled and told me to never call her about Ivy again and that she could not care less about what happened to Ivy because she was no longer her daughter. I couldn't help but hang up and hang on to her hand and prayed. 

I hadn't prayed in a while. It felt wrong but I didn't know what else to do. I needed her to wake up. I needed her with me. I love her.

Ivy's POV

I could see my body in the hospital bed and Heath next to me on his knees praying. Heath is always so funny why doesn't he just let me go; this is what I want. 


Hello everyone! Happy valentines day! I hope you all have a great day. Please leave comments and vote. I love to hear from y'all on how you like this chapter.


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