call the nurse

621 18 5

Day 77

Ivy's POV

It's a typical movie out of body experience and I wish my body would just crap out.

New Year's Passed already and everyone came in at 11 o'clock to spend the strike of midnight with me. Sometimes Heath would have to go somewhere and Scott would sit and talk to me.

"I wanna write a song and as soon as you get better you'll be the main person in the video." I wrote the song already." He kept walking back and forth. "The song is called Sad Song and i am going to record it soon with Joe and film as soon as you get better." That was the first time I had ever seen him genuinely smile.

He kept talking about random things and how he would post on my channel until I got better and how Heath had recorded some little relationship stuff and how the fans are rooting for me to get better.

Heath's POV

Scott didn't hear me come in but he sat there talking to her with her limp hand in his. "We need you to get better, especially Heath. He's not the same without you. You have a whole support system behind you. You cannot just give up now! I hope you hear me, Ivy Elizabeth Parker!"

I knocked and Scott kissed her hand and walked out. The rest of the day was pretty quiet. The doctors checked her brain activity and then took her blood. I set up a camera and filmed me talking to the camera about the whole situation. I wanted to raise awareness to how prevalent suicide is. I posted it on her channel because I know damn well my 70,000 subscribers is nothing compared to her half a million.

I miss hearing her voice. I started crying into her hand and I swear I screamed, "OH MY GODD! She squeezed my hand! NURSE!

Ivy's POV

That was so much work maybe I can wake up. Maybe I do want to live.

Heath's POV

"Her muscles relax every once in a while so it is not impossible that her hand moved. But all I'm saying is that I do not think she purposely squeezed your hand." The nurse said calming me down and getting ivy's meds for the day situated.

Ivy's POV

My Chest feels tight. I think I'm going to take a break sit down for a while.

Nurse's POV


Get Heath out of here now.

I hit the button behind the bed and the doctor and other nurses ran in. Her heart is going into fibrilations. I need 100cc's of epi and the defibrillators.









*sigh of relief* as a pulse lit up the screen. I intubuted her and hooked up her oxygen. At this point she had a week to wake up before she could possibly go brain dead.

Heath's POV

I just sat on the floor and sobbed. Scott showed up and comforted me telling me that she will get better he knows it. But right now it is so hard for me to be optimistic.

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