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Dan's pov

Only one more box in this dusty old attic to go through. Moving is a lot of work. You have to pack away the things you want, go through the stuff you don't need. Why do I have so many things in that attic.

I've spent all day in this attic going through box by box. My attic is full because it's where I put all the things I don't need.

I sit down in front of a dusty box labeled "Hipster phase" I cringe. This box is from last summer. I was so lame. Coffee, long coat, scarves, think rimmed glasses, and obsessive photo and video taking. I really though I was such a Hipster.

I sigh before popping open the lid of the box sifting through its contents. First I pull out my old coffee cup. I bought my own because I liked to believe I was too good to use the ones the shop provided.

Next I pull out my small collection of scarves which I wore everyday. They were heavy. Something was wrapped inside them.

Carefully I unravel the scarves to find my old camera.  I smile sadly the the memories it must hold. Last summer was the best summer I've ever had, even if it was cringy.

I sit down in my spot on the dusty attic floor and power the camera on. No batteries.

A quick trip downstairs proves simple and I got new batteries for the camera. This time when I power it on, it lights up and displays the settings.

I maneuver my fingers across the control pad to make it so I can look through the footage on it.

The first thing on the camera is a picture of me and this boy from last summer.


We were inseparable for one summer, and he was the best thing to ever happen to me. I loved him.

The pictures is him with his arms lazily around me, and a big goofy grin. I'm barely in the picture because I was still getting the hang of taking selfies. I'm much better at it now.

I can't help but to smile at the memories.

The next thing on the camera is a video. I hit play.

(( when things are in italics, that means it's the videos. Videos will need told in past tense Dan's point of view.))


"Okay, okay, tell the camera who you are and why you're here" I laughed  at the person in front of me, trying to stop our giggles.

"Hello Camera, I'm Phil. I'm here because it's a public beach and I can be" Phil laughed looking at me, not the camera.

"Phil be serious!" I said, trying to sound mad.

"I am serious!" Phil said defensively. 

"Fine! You take the camera and film me." I sighed passing phil the camera.

"Hi. So my name is [Dan] nice to meet you. I'm here on the beach with Phil. I meet him earlier today and we hung out all day talking. He's really awesome and probably the coolest friend ever. So I wanted to record it so I can remember him forever." I smiled cheesily. I could hear Phil in the background making puking noises.

"Hey you spork! Don't sound so grossed out! You're the one who told me you already love me!" I spit jokingly.

"And you're the one who hasn't had a friend for 18 years of you life!" Phil joked back.

"I hate you." I said, holding back a laugh.

"You love me." He replied in a overly happy way.


And with that, the video was over.


Whoop whoop first chapter is up! I'm so excited to write this!

Amazing cover by xstarboix you're the best tbh :)

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Love you! Bye!


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