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"So i was thinking..." phil started.

"Oh were you? Thats a first." I said jokingly. The camera panned over phil as he giggled, his face trying to show his fake hurt. It was cute the way phils tongue would stick out when he laughed.

"Shut up!" He laughed, punching me lightly in the are. It didn't hurt, but I pretended it did anyways and rubbed my arm frowning.

"Anyways," I'll said, leading him in to finish his thought.

"Anyways, I was thinking we should on a road trip. We've got nothing going on, and there's so many places to go!" Phil beamed at me. It was a begging grin, but his eyes flashed with uncertainty that I would like his idea.

"I'd love to. Where would you like to go?" I ask, making an attempt to smile warmly at him. A road trip didn't sound like loads of fun, but I'd do anything with him.

"What about wales?"


I let my hands fall down to my lap, the camera with it. My eyes drop like they're made of weights. Gravity takes its told on me and I wish I could sink far into this couch and never come back out.

The mention of our road trip to wales brings back some of the fondest memories I had with phil. Nights under the stars, days looking at the castles and the ocean.

I didn't even want to go to wales when we did. But it is the best place I've ever went.

My eyes fluttered open, slightly sad that I didn't sink into the couch. I glance at the time, and a wave of panic hits me. I don't have the time to be looking through this camera, I have boxes to pack, I have only a few days left before I move.

My eyes drift around the room, searching desperately for any reason to not go and continue the packing. Wanting so bad to stay and relive our trip to wales.

My phone buzzes at my side, and maybe I've been thinking too much, or maybe I'm just tired, but for a second I thought it might be phil.

It wasn't though. I knew that. My brain told me it's not phil, there's no reason he'd be texting me. Not now. But my hand didn't get the memo and reached like lightning picking it up.

It's a notification... from my weather app. It might rain today.

Disappointment leading me to forget about the work I have to do, I find the next thing on the camera.

Is a picture. The lighting is off, the angle is weird.

Phil isn't even looking at the camera.

But it's beautiful.

Phils in the driver's seat of the car. He's laughing, or maybe singing to the music. The sun shines right in his eyes, so he squints to see. Both his hands are wrapped tightly around the wheel, so tight his knuckles have turned white. He looks nearly transparent as his pale skin blends in to light.

The pictures immerses me into the memory. It feels so real I can almost smell the fast food we had bought, but hadn't gotten around to eating yet. I can almost hear Brittany Spears "Toxic" playing on the radio.

I remember the feeling of brushing my hands over the stain on my jeans where it was just a bit crusty and scratchy. I can see the way phils face wrinkles in on itself as he laughs at all my bad jokes. And the way his eyes light up when he talks about something he loves.

I can remember the taste of his lips on mine from when he asked me to be his boyfriend and he gushed on and on about how he kept trying to ask me, but it never worked out.

And obviously I had said yes.


But it's just a memory

I've read 4 novels in the last 3 weeks oops :)

This chapter is cute.

Okay so I totally have no idea about places in the UK so I went to my friend Gryffinclaw12 and had them give me ideas on where they should go on the road trip. :p

Questions: are you single? Do you have loads of homework tonight? What American states have you been to? Which class do you get the least amount of homework in? How many pages what the longest book you've ever read? Do you like cats? If you live on a farm, would you?what's your favorite fruit?

Love you! Bye!

~ Madi

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