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I've packed a lot for the move, I feel as though I deserve a break. At least that's what I'm going to continue to tell myself as I bring my camera downstairs and sit comfortably against to the couch.

The next thing on the camera is another video. I lean back and hit play.


"Do you ever do anything without your camera?" Phil asked, smiling  curiously at me.

"I never do anything beautiful without my camera" I responded trying my best to sound pretentious.

"Put the camera down and live in the moment!" Phil laughed.

"Don't you get it? My camera, and you is my moment" I smile at him.

His smile fell and his features grew to look confused. He couldn't possibly understand my fear of missing wonderful memories. This way, I'll never forget.

"Don't you ever thing you'll miss out on real life that way?" He pondered. I knew he was right, life was never as pretty through a screen as it is up close. But I'm scared of having good things in my life and loosing them. Forgetting.

"No, it's best this way." I smile warmly, and Phil only nods.


The video suddenly ended and the screen of the camera now shows the starting frame from the video with a play button over top it.

I maneuver the controls to see what's next on the camera. It's a picture. In the picture there is a tree, that I recognize to be from the park. And there is something carved into it. It seems to be a horrible attempt at "p+d" but it's hardly legible.

Another picture follows. This one seeming to be a blurry picture of my rolling down a hill. Obviously phil took the picture.

A small guilt hits my stomach when I remember that this was only a break and the longer I look at the contents of this camera, the more im procrastinating. Procrastinating has always been a problem for me, but you never get used to the self guilt that comes with it.

Nevertheless, I'm unable to fight the urge to continue looking at the camera. And the next thing seems to be a video.

I hit play.


"Hey Dan, I want to ask you something." Phil says, his voice shaking a bit. The scene is in Dan's bedroom. It's kinda dark and very quiet.

"Ugh have something to ask you, too, Phil. Have you seen my camera? I can't find it anywhere." I said in an annoyed tone.

"Um, no. I havent. Sorry," Phil coughed, " but can I ask you my question?"

"Can it wait? My camera is very important you know." I said getting more and more annoyed. I just need my camera.

"Oh, yeah it can wait. Um, I think I saw your camera over there." Phil said in a disappointed voice, pointing across the room.


The video had cut out after that. I felt bad just watching the video. Obviously Phil had the camera. He wanted to ask me something. I wonder if he ever got around to asking me what he wanted to know?

The fact that I cared more about the Camera then I did about Phil is disheartening. I wonder if that's was the root of all our problems. If I had given phil more attention, maybe things would still be right between us.

I check my phone for the time and see I've wasted nearly 10 minutes on this and I really need to get my attic sorted out.

Despite all parts of my brain telling me that I should sit and watch more, I know I need to go and pack more. So I do.


Hello frens! On the first chapter I asked you guys if you want questions in the authors notes, and you seemed pretty happy with that idea, so your wish is my command. I'll give you questions.

First impression you had of me as an author? Have you taken finals yet? Do you have any weird habits? What would you name a bunny if you had one? What's your favorite vegetable? Are you vegetarian? Do you match your socks? Are you the weirdest of your friends? What's your last class of the day? How many classes do you have in a day at school? What's one thing unique about your bedroom?

I think that's all for now! Is this chapter good? Idk

Love you! Bye!


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