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I feel like I'm in school again; always suffocated in work and deadlines. All through your school years you think it'll be so much easier when you're an adult but that's wrong. It's just as hard.

I still have empty boxes and rooms that need to be pack up and I have a deadline to meet. I haven't changed since I was in school, I still procrastinate.

I decide maybe I should go for a walk. It sounds nice, and peaceful, but really I just want to run from my responsibility. I want to run from a house that now has no character because all the personality is in boxes, and I want to run from that damn camera because I remember what happens after wales. I remember it all to well and I'm not ready to relive it. I'm not sure if I'll ever be.

Last summer was not only the best summer of my life, it was also the worst. Most of it was good, so I look back on it Fondly, but there's the hardships too.

My mind flashes back to a teary eyed phil, who was begging for me to just go away. I think back to the sounds of his sons from behind his locked door.

My walk turns into a run as if I could chase the memories away. My feet pound on the ground but still my only thought are on phil. I can't bear the thoughts or the pain. I remember it all too well.

I ran out of path, and I'm at the mouth of the woods. I look deep inside them, but just fall to my knees. I sit there and cry.

I wish I could just stop thinking.

Yeah Yeah I know it's a short chapter but it's a lead in to the next chapter so just deal with it.

Question: do you like to read actual books? What's your favorite book? What's your best physical trait? Do you like anyone currently? Are you single? How long have you been in the phandom? Does your best friend like phan?

Love you! Bye!

~ Madi

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