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Moving day.

The day where you finally leave behind the little world you had made for yourself between four small walls. It's not that hard, it's like a breath of fresh air.

It's a new start. Whoever you were before, doesn't matter now.

The rest of the camera was just 3 pictures, and only of pretty landscapes. I guess after Phil made that video of his, he decided to just stop talking to me. And we moved separate directions.

And without Phil I felt no need for the camera.

Then, by the time last summer was over, and the real world went back to its normal routine, we hadn't talked. That's the time Phil decided he really missed me, and he's text and call me every day. But I never answered.

And now as moving trucks are loading the last pieces of my furniture, and all I have left to do is drive there... I'm wishing I'd answered then.

And I'm wishing he never gave up calling.

Wishing he never gave up on me.

But that's selfish of me to think because of course he moved on. And of course he stopped calling. He couldn't take being ignored any longer. And I cannot blame him for that.

And now, there is no reason he should answer my call as I hold my thumb over his contact in my phone.




"Hey. I, uh, was wondering if we could... I don't know, like talk?" I ask through the phone nervously. I didn't think he's answer.

"Uh I guess"

"Like in person? I could by you a coffee?"

"Does tomorrow work?"

"Uh..." I glance around my empty house. I was supposed to leave today, I don't even have a bed here. I was supposed to go to my new house tonight, "yeah. Yeah that works perfectly. Coffee shop at 5? I'll see you then. " I say and the call ends.

I guess I'm staying in a hotel tonight.


I think the next chapter is going to be the end, but then also an epilogue, so two more weeks of chapters!

Love you! Bye!


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