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Obviously going through one whole box is enough for a relaxation break, right? I earned it.

Okay, regardless as to if I earned it or not, I'm sat on my couch again, camera in hand. I'm ready to torture myself with the sweet Reminisce of watching the videos and looking at the pictures I took last summer.

Wow I sound like a crazy cat lady who lost her one chance at love. Okay maybe I am that. Except not a lady. I also don't have a cat. Maybe I'll get a cat.


"With the fires glow, your shadow kinda looks like a big scary animal" Phil giggled. I set my camera in place to where you could see both phil and me. 

"I am a big scary animal,  why haven't you run away screaming?" I joked back at him.

"I'm just not too frightened by posh winne the pooh bears like yourself" Phil laughed. I found my lips falling to a pout.

"Hey! I'm not a winni the pooh bear, I'm a grizzly bear. I'm ferocious and... stuff. And I'm not posh; I'm articulate. " I whined.

"Well then you're pretty cute for an articulate grizzly bear." Phil smiled at me.

"You forgot ferocious" I commented not looking up at him. I was sitting on the ground at the beach letting sand run through my fingers. There was a camp fire burning between us, Illuminating us with a light orange glow. I looked weird in the lighting, but it looked nice on phil.

"That too" Phil smiled, pleased with himself, almost looking mischievous, "I'll call you bear, then! It'll be your nickname."

"Well, then you need a nick name, too. What's your favorite animal?"  I asked, finally looking up to meet phils eyes. My voice was playful but quiet. Knowing myself, I was dangerously close to flirty.

"I love Lions!"  Phil beamed back at me.

"Okay, I'll call you lion then" I smiles to myself, and looked back down at the ground.

There was a few seconds of quiet, until phil coughed, ending the peaceful silence.

I looked up and meet phils eyes. Then, I stood, walking over to the camera, and ended the video.


As the video came to an end, I was suddenly, painfully, aware of the memories. Memories of the number, the contacts saved as "Lion 🦁" calling me every day in the month of September. Day after day, like a clock then won't stop ticking. Each call left unanswered. Question left unanswered. Apologies let for unsaid. Forgiveness never given.

It was all my fault. If I had put in the effort. If I had answered just one call. Returned just one text.

But I didn't.

And he stopped calling.

And he stopped texting.

And I suddenly find myself far from in the mood to press a few buttons on this stupid camera to see what comes next. I'm so uninterested in reliving my best summer ever. What's the point? It's all gone anyways.

But my fingers work for themselves and i find myself on the next video.


" Hey dan?" Phil asked. The screen showed only dan, and with the shaking of the camera is assumed that phil was behind it.

"Yeah? Oh! Why do you have my camera?" I said. My expression grew confused. My gaze was set above the camera, presumably where phils face was.

"Oh, because I want to remember this in the future. Um, but, dan. I have a question. I was going to ask you sooner, but I didnt get the chance." Phil stammered.

"Okay, what's is it?" I asked, slightly annoyed; problem because phil had my camera.

"Oh, you know what. I just,forgot. " Phil laughed nervously.


I was too oblivious to see back then, that clearly, Phil had not forgotten.

If only I hadn't been so obsessed with the camera.


Hello! How are you?  I had finals today, and they continue until Friday. Ugh.

Do you have a lucky number? Are your parents over protective? Do you have any secrets you wanna share? Do you ever do things for the sake of saying you've done them? What's the highest number you actually know the proper name of? Pick a number 6-412. What over used phrase do you say a lot (ex. "When pigs fly")?  What's your favorite thing about your bedroom? Do you like school?

-..  ---  /  .-  -.  -.--  /  ---  ..-.  /  -.--  ---  ..-  /  -.-  -.  ---  .--  /  --  ---  .-.  ...  .  /  -.-.  ---  -..  .  ..--..

Okay that's all!

Love you!  Bye!


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