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When Phil got better, our relationship got stronger. We spent every day together. Days on the beach, night be the fire. By this time I was back at it with the camera.

Phil left me alone about it mostly, even though knew he still didn't like it very much. Maybe I should have picked up on it more.

My camera powered on slowly. A light blinking to tell me it's low on battery. I dismiss the light, knowing the battery will last me a little while longer.

I scroll through the options and look through my pictures and videos again. And I find where I left off last.

It was a beautiful picture of Phil that looks professional, though, to be fair, I thought I was professional at that point. 

It was Phil sitting in his bay window, looking out longingly at the rain. He was wrapped up in his blue and green blanket thing. Little drops of rain littered the closed window, but it's hard to tell because the background is blurry. Phil, the main point of the photo, is the only part that doesn't have a slight blur on it.

I stare at that picture for a moment,  looking at how great it looks. Phil looks more pale then normal under the natural light. He looks like he's glowing.

He looks like he's an angel.

I click the button on the camera that moves to the next thing, which, in this case, is a video.


"Okay, so how should we spend this rainy, sad, miserable, gloomy day?" I asked dramatically. I walked over to Phil who was sitting in the bay window. This video was probably right after the picture.

"Wow, and here I was thinking that rainy days were your favorite" Phil laughed and look up at me.

"They are my favorite" I told him, and he shook his head and laughed.

"Then why did you call it bad and  gloomy?"  Phil questions. He had a cup of what looks to be hot chocolate, with the small little marshmallows. He took a sip of that, but a small one, so it was probably still hot.

"Uh, dramatic effect?" I laughed like it was obvious. Phil just rolled his eyes in a loving way.

"You're so difficult. But, nevertheless, to answer your question. I think we should totally have a movie Night! There is no better way to spend a day that is as rainy as this one" Phil stated matter-of-factly.

"You're right! Okay, okay, okay. Here's the game plan. You're on movie picking duty, and I'll get the popcorn in the microwave!" I yelled as I start off to the kitchen.

"Wait but I don't want to decide!" Phil yelled and that is the last thing you can hear as the camera powers off.


I smile at the memory. I'm pretty sure that in the end of all of that, I both made popcorn, and picked out the movie whilst Phil sat on the couch.

Next on the camera was another picture. It was of Phil again, obviously. He was looking at me and smiling, and had a huge handful of popcorn.

His blue and green blanket still hung around his shoulders, and half of his face was lit up by the tv. He was so cute.

After a minute of looking at the picture, the screen went black. It must have ran out of battery charge. I guess I over estimated how long it can run on a low battery.

I decided I should probably plug it in and get back to packing anyway, I'm almost done.

Eyyyyyyyyy full length chapter, are you proud? Whoop whoop!

Not much to talk about this week, so I'll see ya next time!

Love you!Bye!


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