04| Kitten

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3 days later.

Y/N slung her backpack over her shoulder and made her way out of the classroom. It was sunny outside today, warmer than usual. Birds chirped in the distance, and a gentle afternoon breeze blew her hair to the side. The girl hummed quietly to herself, knowing she had at least a mile to walk before she reached her car.

The campus was always the busiest on Fridays, resulting in zero parking spaces. But it was no big deal in the summer-like circumstances, in fact, Y/N was relishing the harsh sun rays.

As the walk stretched on, the girl's mind soon drifted to Luciel, the hacker who had not texted her all day. She checked her phone again just to make sure, but found no text messages from the mysterious boy. But that wasn't enough to crush her spirits, she was finally in a good mood and did not want to ruin it.

 Y/N strolled down the sidewalk happily, with her textbooks clutched in her grip. She admired each building she passed, journeying deeper into the city. Joy was the only emotion she felt, and it overtook all her instincts. She was content until a heartbreaking whimper broke through the peaceful atmosphere. Y/N's ears perked at the sound, the yelps continuing over and over again, a desperate and weak call for help. The now concerned female wandered down the alleyway where she followed the wails. 

Her jaw dropped at the cute, yet heartbreaking sight that any cat lover would understand.

"Little guy..." She whispered quietly, recognizing the call to be one of a stranded kitten. Y/N approached the animal slowly, lips curling into a grimace as she realized that it was caught between two garbage cans.

"How did this happen?" She cooed, setting down her books and moving the object away to free the frail kitten.

It squeaked happily, now that the pressure was lifted off its shoulders. But Y/N could still tell that the baby animal needed help. It was so small, and seemed to be abandoned. 

The girl looked around warily, hoping that nobody was looking for...him?

She checked quickly, conforming her suspicions. The cat was definitely a boy.

"I'll take care of ya, okay little guy?" She pet him softly, shoving her textbooks into her backpack so she had free hands to carry her new companion.


"Yeah I'm sorry boss, my cousin from America passed away today...I won't be able to make it to work tonight or tomorrow." The girl lied through her teeth, trying her best to sound like she had been crying for hours.

"Yes. Yes I'm sorry, thank you. You have a good day too." She sighed, hanging up. Thank God she was a good liar and had extra emergency hours for never missing a shift. 

Sheltering the kitten, Y/N entered the pet store hesitantly. Was she making the right decision? Did she even have time to take care of him?

"Oiiii." She groaned, walking to the cat food isle, picking out some hard food. She honestly didn't know how old he was, she would just have to see. 

The kitten seemed sickly thin, as if he had been scavenging for food his whole life. Y/N was surprised he was so submissive the moment she picked him up. The little guy did not put up a fight. The girl pet his head softly, smiling to herself as she caught a glimpse of the good pet owner she could become. 

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